Humane Killing Euthanasia Methods

I offer up this link, regarding the Argon method originally posted. you will have to look
beyond the cattle section for the poultry section.

I do not know why Argon is used because it is an expensive gas. There are other
less expensive gases that are also non irritating asphyxiants. Firstly Nitrogen
and secondly Helium (although Helium is also a bit expensive)

does anyone know why these alternative gases are not used?
Hello. I do not wnat to start a new thread or new debate as I have read plenty of those on here.
I have to cull two of my favorite pullets and a baby roo I have become quite fond of. I am z former vet tech and have had to assist in putting plenty of other peoples pets down, but never my own. I can not bring myself to snap any necks, shoot any of them, or cut their heads off.
I live right next to a metal tool making plant that has all sorts of gases. The owners have told me whatever I need they will help. (We give them eggs all the time).

After reading the articles, I am really confused on which gas is best. I can not find a Vet who will do it and I honestly think it would be more traumatic taking the babies from home anyways.

What I am hoping to learn is the best gas to use and the best "chamber". I will buy whatever I need to, cost isn't as much of a concern as the birds suffering.

Does anyone have a good referance for building something...There equipment has meters to read the levels of everything, so I a,m really just looking for ideas for an airtight box, comfortable for the bird to sit in. They are all under 2 lbs.

Thank you,
Sorry and I know it's a old post but seeing a current post thatentioned this I had to look it up as the person posting said to and as a person who welds and uses co2 and pure argon and c25 inert gas and knows how argon works as a shielding gas I'd say argon is not a human and painless way to kill any animal, on top of that is a very expensive way to do it. Another person mentioned a 22 to the head as a quick way and I would agree *** long as it was a accurate shot since a 22 Seema like a small bullet, when compare it to a chickens head it's like shooting a human in the head with a RPG. Not much left and seeing as any cheap Walmart crap bulk 500 round box is under $20. Price per round seems economical but anyone who has to chop wood to stay warm already has a axe handy, is even cheaper. But in my opinion argon is not human and I don't know about u but I sure ain't gonna eat a argon laced chicken after I cull it either. Just my 2 cents.
I appreciate your research and information. My son has often asked me why I don't gas the birds before bleeding them out. He's right, and your article is a nice start. Thank you!

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