Hydrogen Peroxide on eggs?

I have some eggs in the incubator now that I put hydrogen peroxide on. I watched a YouTube video and she was washing the eggs first, actually letting them sit in warm water first to help loosen the crud. Then rinse under warm running water until clean. Then she had a small bowl with a third of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She placed the eggs in the H2O2 and rolled them to coat all the edges. Then she set them in clean egg trays to dry. She also recommended sanitizing your incubator because by washing you are removing the bloom. The research she did said that the H2O2 killed all salmonella in the egg. Which she wondered if that also meant your chicks would be salmonella free.
She was hatching over 200 eggs a week and said that using the hydrogen peroxide has doubled her hatch rate.
I have other eggs in the incubator that have not been washed. My eggs only get dirty when it rains, and I live in desert so they are usually very clean. I just set the eggs yesterday so it's too soon to know results. Will be interesting when I candle in a week.
Yesterday's eggs were covered with blood, looked like one of my hens broke a blood vessel when she laid. They are two years old, it happens sometimes. I plan on cleaning the blood smeared eggs and setting in the incubator tomorrow. I am setting about 24 eggs a week. I'm excited to see if I get better hatch rates. Thanks for the post, will be good to compare notes.
Following...we had 4 ducklings hatch out of 14 eggs set, and I am wondering if it was bacteria (perhaps in the incubator, or ?). Could also have been due to shipping, but 12 seemed to have movement at lockdown. ☹️ Grateful for the 4 that made it!

Wondering if hydrogen peroxide is as safe for duck eggs given their higher porosity?
I too, have read a lot about using peroxide on eggs. Supposedly it’s actually a “patented procedure”. Spraying peroxide on eggs. And I read most hatcheries do it too. A lot saying it really DOES improve hatch rate. I read to use 3% which is the normal kind you get at the drugstore, and spray it right on the eggs and let them dry, before setting in incubator. Also you can dilute with water 1:1 and disinfect your incubator. I have some more silkie eggs coming this week that I’m gonna try it on...
I used it my first time. I had 49 eggs. 10 were not fertilized. Left me with 39 eggs. All but 2 fully hatched. 2 were delayed in hatching and didn't make it out of the egg fully before passing. I had 37 ducklings running around my first time. Was not expecting it. I read your lucky to have 25% hatch so when that many hatched I was tickled but unprepared. I'm going to do the same process again and see what happens.
I’ve been watching you tube videos on people spraying their eggs with 3-7% hydrogen peroxide on eggs before setting eggs? They all claim an improved hatching rate I am thinking I’m going to try it with about a hundred eggs that I’ll put in the incubator and would like to hear y’all’s experiences with this.
I do it every time. On day 11 and all 22 are looking good! I use one drop of oxEdrops in the gallon of distilled water to keep water clean too. Never have bacterial problems.
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