I am just SO mad!

OMG I didnt even think of that! Now Im kinda really paranoid! My wrist is aching where the cat scratched it but idk if Im playing that up in my head. My hand also hurts super bad where I got a fresh callus today and it popped. Its like so sore it is an awful pain to open it wide.
IDK. Im going to bed. Wish me luck through the night!
Best of luck -- I misread your original post and thought you had been bitten. I think I focused on this part of your post --

"The cat was holding on to my rabbit with it claws so hard Elvis came up with it! In a panic I shook Elvis down and the cat turned and attacked my arm. The only thing I could do to get the cat off was fling it. It hit the side of my house pretty hard...whoops."

You did state that you had scratches down your arm -- and didn't mention a bite. I think HorseJody provided you with excellent advice -

best wishes!
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If you can't go to the ER, dissolve a chunk of white Dial bar soap in water and soak the wound for thirty minutes per day till it's healed. The cat's behavior doesn't necessarily mean it's rabid or hungry. Some cats are just super aggressive. That one has outlived his usefulness. Do be legal about it, though.

YOu need to let the neighbors know (should have as soon as it happened) what occurred. You need to wash the areas that cat got you very well, then you need to have the neighbors provide all medical docs on that cat AS WELL AS they must now get a specialized test on the cat (its about $60.00) for Cat Scratch Fever, takes about 2 weeks to get the results back on from the cat. Yep - its real - DD had it when she was 5 and... was 7th in the world at that time to have it to the degree she had it. It paralyzed her and we had to have the world expert called in. Wasnt pretty I can tell you that much.

In around 2003 they finally came out with a test to test live cats (used to be the cat had to be dead to test for it) - so YES ALL CATS can be tested. Female cats are main carriers, but all cats can carry it. You can get it from a scratch or a bite. If not treated, it can do serious damage.

If the cat tests positive - you will need to be on antibiotics (and should be anyway). It takes about 6 weeks for CS to show up in full and drs wont catch it unless they are specifically looking for it (its a very specific blood test).

Go immediately to the doctor after presenting yourself to your neighbor, then all bills associated with that care along with your rabbit and all vet bills associated with its care.

Ignorance on the neighbors part is no excuse. Cite them.
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I never realized a loose animal could cause SO much headache without killing something..Yet.

When do signs for cat scratch fever show up? I use to have cats that had bad habbits of attacking peoples feet. My dad told me about cat scratch fever along time ago, so I always worried for such things. I understand they get it in their claws for something as simple scratching their little! My biggest fear is the rats and mice.
Ive seen the cat catch a mouse tear at it a little then let it run only to hunt it down again! I think its sport for this cat!
The first time I saw this I thought it was a baby rabbit and had sent my niece out there to take a look. She told me it was a mouse.
Would common feild mice and rats harbor disease that could get under their claws that could be transford to me via scratch, or am I just being a little paranoid?
There has been some extremely good advice given here...healthwise, legalwise, etc.,.

What I'm picking up from SarahFair is that she is moderately intimidated by these "neighbors". That is very understandable in today's society...anarchy is on the rise. I can't help but to think of the Beatitudes in situations like this.

I think she stated in an earlier post that she didn't have insurance. I don't know what her economic status is, and in our country's deteriorating social and economic environment I won't even wager a guess. I know that in the past an emergency room couldn't not turn away a person if they couldn't afford treatment. I know that this country has several million illegals that get free medical care and more money from the government than my 79 year old MIL gets (her SS check is less than half of what many illegals get and she worked *all* of her life). She could go to the ER, tell them what happened and tell them she can't pay a doctor, ER, hospital bill.....see what happens. Might even try this at a "clinic".

It was also stated that the "neighbors" apparently don't have the resources to pay any medical bills that she might incur. It sounds to me that regardless whether the "neighbors" had the resources to cover her medical bills that they would probably be hesitant to do so. Do they own the house that they're living in? If they don't, then the property owner/landlord can be liable for damages. It's just a thought and up to you whether you would want to pursue it from this angle...but, it could possibly cover your medical bills *and* might actually encourage the property owner to find a new tenant for that property. If the neighbors own the house, well it would definitely be more troublesome....but, liens have been put on income tax checks, liens on houses, vehicles have been impounded, etc.,.

It's not that you "want to get even" or anything, but rather that you have been wrongfully injured by them (their property) and that you are (I hate to use this next word) entitled to appropriate medical treatment without causing undue financial hardship to yourself or your family.

Lastly, restraining orders can be put in place, though from what I hear these are difficult to get issued/served. It really sounds like the neighbors are really a bunch of jerks and I feel for you...jerks are everywhere these days and (I'm sad to say) I feel as time goes by it will only get worse.

In the mean time, feral cats are NASTY, VERY NASTY and very devastating to small wildlife....wash thoses scratches regularly, put some antibotic cream on them, and take plenty of vitamin C .

Best wishes,
Thanks for the info Ed.
AC just came by and they just dont seem all to interested in dealing with this. I mean who would...but come one its your JOB. They just keep bringing up trapping it. Ive told them 100x thats what Im doing. They are going to warn them. But I must admit I am kinda poed that that is all that going to get done about that.
He sounds like such an adorable sweetie Sarah
. While I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, it's important for you to know he's not likely to be okay without antibiotics, given the puncture wounds you found. There is a bacteria in cat's saliva that is very potent and often means the death of small animals they bite, unless an antibiotic regimen is employed. He needs to be started on meds asap today, if this hasn't happened already. You may have already taken action on this, but didn't see mention of it and in the midst of all that you are dealing with, just want to be sure to you connect with this info.
It is your right to insist that they be cited. You can demand to press charges. Also, if they are homeowners they probably have homeowner's insurance that would pay medical bills created by their wandering pet. It's no different than if their dog did the damage. Homeowner's insurance pays for pet attacks. If they are renters, they might have renters insurance that could cover your bills. Talk to animal control. If you can be cited for having a wandering cat, they can be cited for having a wandering cat that does damage. Become the squeaky wheel. If you don't, this will escalate. The cat will continue to come back. Next time it will kill your rabbit. They will continue to let the cat out. It will get killed by another animal or hit by a car. They will blame you for the disappearance, and the fun will really begin.


BTW it is not impossible to contract rabies from a scratch. There may have been saliva on the cat's foot. There was most likely saliva on the rabbit. When holding the rabbit it could have wiped off on the wound.


You need proof that the cat doesn't have rabies. Even if you didn't get bit, the rabbit did. Rabbits are mammals. They ban get rabies. Demand proof. Demand action. Don't be a doormat. Worry about the money later. Be safe for now.
People opt to shoot nuisance animals once they have realized that nothing else is going to fix the problem. Yeah, you can take it to animal control, but if they go and pick it up, all they get is a warning. And where I live, animal control is not right around the corner. So not everybody has access as easily as others. Also, it's obvious that the neighbor is beyond talking to.

I say if you trap it, feed it for how ever many days it takes to make it yours.
(just kidding, I wouldn't wait it out and feed it) and then take care of it however you wish! Your property, yours to protect.

Since you have already had to pay a fine due to your neighbors, the only money I'd ever put toward them is the $.05 it takes to put a round in the critter!

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