I Built A Bridge!

Howdy folks, busy Monday at work [snafu] just a quick visit with some news

16 paws tee hee, I wish they were golden. At least these brown eggs will add a tinge of colour to the white egg basket

MM As you know, Blondie and Cilla are bantam Cochins and LuLu is a frizzle bantam Cochin. LuLu lays the largest eggs of all of them, white and smooth but not shiny; Cilla and Blondie lay similar sized eggs but Cilla’s are slightly darker than LuLu’s and smooth, but again not shiny; Blondie’s eggs are darker again than Cilla’s but definitely with a shine.

The coop build is coming along! Looking good!

Congrats on the 9 eggs.

So, there was huge excitement in the hen house again today, lots of singing with KiKi leading the chorus; but on checking, no first egg. She was, however, in the nest box.

30 minutes later KiKi kicks off the chorus again and for good reason .. 4 days after her sister’s first egg, KiKi has laid her first egg

I asked Joel to “please hold the egg while I take a picture” .. his response “Egg? It looks more like a marble!”

Teila - Men just miss the significance of a special event - ps I don't think her egg looks like a marble. I think he must have huge hands - yes, that's it.
Tee hee Diva, no chance of him missing the significance of both Crystal's and KiKi's first eggs...not only did they make sure WE knew it was a big deal; they also let pretty much the whole neighbourhood know!
Because KiKi laid her first egg this week, she thought she would have a spa-day, you know, work on the tan, get a new do .. smooth out those frizzle feathers:



Yep, that is the same chicken, amazing what a day at the spa can achieve!
Because KiKi laid her first egg this week, she thought she would have a spa-day, you know, work on the tan, get a new do .. smooth out those frizzle feathers: Before: After: Yep, that is the same chicken, amazing what a day at the spa can achieve! ;)
Teila, that is just crazy! I have never seen anything like that! Is that a perfectly timed photo or does that really happen from time to time? How long do her feathers lay flat? As always, beautiful girls and beautiful pics! This is all I got: Progress and a cutie patootie pullet chick!
Yea Diva,
Count me in on the spa treatment as well. lol

Now tell the truth, did you use the hot iron on her feathers? haha

Now that is going to be some sort of awesome coop there girl! Yea!

I am going to take pictures of my new babies, well not babies anymore but the last hatch here,
I have some interesting frizzles that are crazy to look at!

Haven't had much time to chat because we are doing some remodeling and I am the official painting contractor on the job. Lucky me
Hey MM that is what happens to both LuLu and KiKi every time they take a dust bath; the weight of the dirt and probably the rolling around, laying flat etc flatten out the feathers. They normally spring back after a couple of hours.

Wow, the coop is coming along really well! Love the cutie patootie.

Tee hee, put me down for that spa treatment also Diva and 16 paws [note: as I type I am sipping a coffee and munching a caramel Tim Tam! Lol]

16 paws looking forward to those pics; especially the Frizzles and the one’s of you covered in paint
Hi Friends.
Been busy here with the start of school. Days are getting shorter it seems. Earlier to rise, earlier to bed.

Coop progress is coming along, though DH is back to work this week so only evenings and weekends for working on the coop. I started a thread for it. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1014693/new-coop-progress-updates-and-pics#post_15747627

Everyone in the flock is doing well. Curly Sue's bumble foot is healing well after surgery. Wanda brought the littlest littles to the big coop and has moved in. I think the final count is 4 cockerels and 3 pullets. The one cockerel that has been crowing since 3 weeks really is full of himself. He challenges the hens!!

I am having a hard time not falling in love with all the little roosters. I know I want to keep one to take care of the flock, but which one? There is Willie Two, who reminds me of Willie, but looks much more like Blackbeard. His comb is almost nonexistent. There is a red EE who is clearly one of Cielo's babies. He will be handsome, I am sure… but Cielo was an entirely different kind of mean. I don't think I want to roll that dice. Then there is this buff-ish little roo. Nothing spectacular about him. He has a pea comb, but is not colorful or showy. I think he is bearded. He is SO stink in' nice! He lets me pet him and just wants to hang around me. I can't help but love him! I named him… probably a bad idea… but he will now be known as Marshall.

Pics to follow…

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