I can't believe he actually flogged me...

I always put my young roo's through my roo camp. As soon as I have established they are roo's I grab them up usually in the coop at dusk hold them upside down by thier legs for a few seconds until they relax then smash them on the ground and put my fingers and hold down thier heads too. All of this is in front of the flock. I am keeping one Black Maran roo who is just 13 weeks old right now but we shall see how he matures, right now he runs from me like I am the devil and I like it that way. I have no desire to be his friend, he needs to respect me as the real flock leader.
It's all in the attitude... the Alpha thing!
seriously?!? A bit of over-kill, I'd say!

Uh, in comparison to being FLOGGED?

I have about 20+ roosters that free range right now....Never been flogged or threatened by any of them. I have only ever been flogged by 3 roosters in the 7 years that I have had my chickens (with well over 100 roo's coming and going). One was a D'Uccle roo that I bought as an adult, a buff rock roo and a roo that I hatched myself. Dispatched all 3. Never have I had to smash a birds head into the ground for no reason at all.... I actually find it quite appalling that you would go pluck a bird just to smash it into the ground. And yeah, I do think in comparison that you MIGHT get flogged, I do find this to be a bit of an over kill as well! I guess I will go beat my dogs so they are afraid of me and won't bite me....
seriously?!? A bit of over-kill, I'd say!

Uh, in comparison to being FLOGGED?

KARMA: Sourland pictures a very large rooster picking a human up by their legs and then the rooster
smashes the human to the ground
Uh, in comparison to being FLOGGED?

I have about 20+ roosters that free range right now....Never been flogged or threatened by any of them. I have only ever been flogged by 3 roosters in the 7 years that I have had my chickens (with well over 100 roo's coming and going). One was a D'Uccle roo that I bought as an adult, a buff rock roo and a roo that I hatched myself. Dispatched all 3. Never have I had to smash a birds head into the ground for no reason at all.... I actually find it quite appalling that you would go pluck a bird just to smash it into the ground. And yeah, I do think in comparison that you MIGHT get flogged, I do find this to be a bit of an over kill as well! I guess I will go beat my dogs so they are afraid of me and won't bite me....

Ok, you can RELAX about the "smashing to the ground" part and beating your own dogs
Really, with all the posts on this forum about poor sweet rooster suddenly flogging their owners you sound like the minority and evidently don't need any rooster help. This method is talked about all the time on these forums. Hang the rooster upside down for a few moments then put them on the ground and with your fingers point their heads to the ground......nicer? I guess I don't feel like using nicer words when a person is talking about being attacked/stocked/flogged by her own rooster.

I didn't expect ANYONE to think I am SMASHING baby roo's faces into the ground literally, heck I read of people kicking their roosters and using a shovel or carrying a stick to beat their roosters away from them all the time on these subjects and no one seems to think that's to harsh.
It's 2 strikes and out here. If they come at me once then I let it go just in case they had a rush of blood to the head or something. The second time they get turned into stew. I don't have the time, patience or inclination to go through "rehab" with them. My bators are constantly running so I have plenty of nice boys to choose from if one doesn't work out.

Personally, I don't think being the alpha roo is my job. I am the feed bringer and I like to give my roos space to be roos. I find that if I let them do their thing with no interference then they should let me do mine the same way. If they don't they I pick another one that will. But what works for one may not work for another, horses for courses and all that.

Poodlepill: do you not think that what you are doing to those chickens is tantamount to animal abuse? I do.
You are the one that used "smashing" to describe what you were doing.... You were also saying you did this to "prevent" flogging behavior, not to deter a roo that was already displaying such behavior.
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I have no problem whatsoever with killing animals of any sort blame it upon my farm and career backgrounds. I do have great problems with abuse of any sort. I apologize if I misinterpreted your post, but "smash them to the ground" is significantly different from "put them on the ground."

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