I can't believe he actually flogged me...

@ DillardHome, OP.... hope you got what you needed fom this thread... good luck w/your roo!
Ive never had a rooster only attack once. It seems once thats in their brain, they will do it again. The ones that did attack are gone. I have a bunch of roosters right now, half grown, running free range, and 4 full grown "breeding" roosters, and not a single one of them has ever bowed up to me. Not once. I enjoy my time outside with them too much to tolerate any aggressive behavior.

I kept one really pretty rooster much longer than I should have, he was mean, would jump me from behind every chance he could. I had to carry a stick when I went in the coop. Those days are over for me.
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i just bought a male and female polish today. when my husband was in there looking at the hen, the rooster jumped at him, scratched him, and made him fall over. one of the funnist things i have seen in a long while.
My rooster WAS very very aggressive, he used to attack my leg from behind with such a force that if he missed it and hit the ground he was bleeding from his comb, he had wounds from failed attacks at my leg. I used many methods to tame him that failed, some of them are: hold him upside down from the legs for some time, pick him and move him back n forth, chase him many times, i even had to kick him with all the power i had one morning and he took off 5 feet before he landed then he coughed and i thought he had internal bleeding(i had to do that as i was defending my baby daughter that i was holding).

It took me few months of battles and lessons until i figured out what worked for mine, i isolated him in a cardboard box that he couldnt even spread his wings, i did that from 15:00 and left him overnight there and i opened up the next day at 11:00 in the morning, he had no light at all, cardboard closed and placed in a 100% dark storage room (no water no food) when i opened up he got very scared and i didnt do anything but let him go to his "lost" hens. He havent been aggressive for no reason since then (i still keep an eye over my shoulder tho)

hope it helps somebody
mmaddie's mom :

@ DillardHome, OP.... hope you got what you needed fom this thread... good luck w/your roo!

I had to catch up on this thread since we had alot going on this weekend. WOW... it went a little crazy for a bit

After trying some remedies, we ended up having to send him to freezer camp. He was just unpredictable and I honestly did not want to have drama every time I needed to attend to the flock. I missed being able to enjoy the group, having to keep my guard up was not fun. My family's safety was top priority. I currently have four young EE cockerals I am looking to rehome, however I am deciding which one I'd like to keep.


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