I can't believe how sad I am.......I'm really beside myself.

It's not a good idea to only get one chick especially if you have no way of separating from the adults. The only way to safely introduce a new flock member is to first make sure they are about the same size, so you would have to raise the chick(s) in a separate enclosure until it(they) are the same size as the mature birds. Even then it is a long process to introduce new birds to an already established flock.
To ease your heart, perhaps you get a handful of babies to raise up in the house, and then introduce them to the flock in a couple months. If your husband has any complaints about hand raising chicks in the house tell him it's his fault that your beloved Leah was lost and that he's going to have to tolerate it.
Sorry about your loss. Good luck.
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm very attached to my parakeet and chickens as well and I have teared up at merely thinking about not having them around, as silly as that sounds.

Just handle and shower love on your new chicks and they will be tame(r) and more likely to behave like your beloved Leah.
I am so sorry about Leah. Love comes in all shapes and forms. Whose to say that it doesn't come in the shape of a chicken? I have never lost an animal that I didn't grieve over. Some animals stay in our hearts forever.
So sorry for your loss.
I definitely understand. It's so hard for others to understand how close we get to these sweet little creatures.
We raised "Easter chickens" several times-never more than 4 at once. They were all friendly enough to fly up/perch on our shoulder when grown, I think it had to do with the level of handling & treats they received when very young. If I were you I would get two or three (pullets, if possible) and try to raise them with as much hands on time each day.

I'm sorry you lost Leah-she was a precious chicken.
I'm so very sorry

I would feel the same heartache you are feeling and would be upset to the core with anyone who had been careless with beings so important to me and more importantly, who trusted they were safe in my care. This horrible outcome was not intentional but sadly, it's no less deadly. I know that is haunting for you and that there are no words meaningful enough to help. I hope in time it somehow gets more bearable. RIP Leah.
Can I just say that you chicken people are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much.....you don't know how much it means that there are people who understand. I work at a vet clinic (I'm a tech) and when they finally asked me what was wrong and I tearfully told them........they looked at me like I was nuts for being sad about a chicken. I told them that when they took my eggs in the future there will be no more blue ones.....those were Leah's. Apparently the blue ones were everyone's favorites.

I can't thank you guys enough for all the kind words. My husband feels awful and he should.

I'm really thinking about getting 3 or 4 pullets and raising them. Can I put them in a big dog kennel until they are older? I've got a pole barn they can stay in until they are older....but until they are bigger I'm scared the barn cats might get a little taste for chickens. They don't bother the big chickens, but I'm sure they would try the little ones. I've got a big vari kennel to raise them in while they are little....is that okay?

Thank you everyone....tonight will be a little easier because of you all, and I sincerely mean that. Thank you.
Dear Shannon

Just lost my hen Maggie on saturday. I loved her for the same reason...She would jump on my shoulder when I had scratch and when I was cleaning the coop. I was very attached to this hen... I have zillions, but this opne was special....My poor hubby...he didn't know what to do with me. I bawled every time I thought about it.... some just worm their way into your heart and they are just special feathered folk. Don't let anyone make you feel silly... chickens are people too..

My Maggie
What kind of dogs do you have? Your husband should get busy training those dogs to leave the chickens alone. I know it can be done. Two years ago I lost 3 of my chickens when my father-in-law's dog attacked them. I hadn't had chickens very long and the dogs weren't used to them. Well now our dog, my brother-in-law's dog and my father-in-law's dog will all come in our yard and walk around the chickens and totally leave them alone. The dogs are all black labs and very smart. If you get your dogs trained you won't have to worry so much when you are not around to protect your chickens. I do know how you feel, I cried too when my chickens were killed. Getting a bunch of new chicks helped me.

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