I can't believe we did this again! New Babies

Love this chick diary! We are also doing chicks again after raising 4 girls last year (just over a year old and do great with rent payments!). Hope to continue to see updates!
Thanks for the reply. Here is the LINK to our first baby diary with our Crested Cream Legbar babies that we got 29 November 2017. Still two freeloaders, but what a journey. And...

Just because tonight these babies went from their daytime covered run, up thru the stovepipe door into the Hen House, and up the ramp into the coop ALL BY THEMSELVES for the first time! Then they had to have a picture!
Reminds me of my babies!
I have 7 chicks that are 6 weeks old.
5 Naked Necks (sadly we had to cull one because she had an impacted crop :hit)
and two bantams- a mottled frizzled Cochin cockerel named Frodo and a partridge Silkie pullet named Sam.
The littles are growing quickly.

CutiePie - 55Flowery Pullet - 6 Weeks - 16.4 oz

Brownie - Black Sexlink Pullet - 6 Weeks - 17.7 oz

Blacky - Black Sexlink Pullet - 6 Weeks - 17.2 oz

BlueMan - Crested Cream Legbar Cockerel - 6 Weeks - 15.0 oz
I didn't get their pictures tonight - I forgot, but will do it tomorrow. BUT... they finally stayed on the roosts tonight! They have been sleeping in the coop for weeks, but always on the floor. Tonight, they stayed on the roosts :) We are also with a heavy heart tonight as we have finally given up hope that our CutiePie is a hen. Everything it does, and all of the pictures (except week one) indicate that it is a Flowery 55 Cockerel :( BlueBoy is our rooster in training. The 55 will have to go. We tried to be so careful - going with only auto-sexing breeds AND using a breeder we felt knowledgeable and reputable . Very Sad
I didn't get their pictures tonight - I forgot, but will do it tomorrow. BUT... they finally stayed on the roosts tonight! They have been sleeping in the coop for weeks, but always on the floor. Tonight, they stayed on the roosts :) We are also with a heavy heart tonight as we have finally given up hope that our CutiePie is a hen. Everything it does, and all of the pictures (except week one) indicate that it is a Flowery 55 Cockerel :( BlueBoy is our rooster in training. The 55 will have to go. We tried to be so careful - going with only auto-sexing breeds AND using a breeder we felt knowledgeable and reputable . Very Sad
Don’t give up hope!
I believe 55 Flowery females have large combs and wattles.
Some pullets are very confident.
I have 5 Naked Necks right now.

Two are clearly boys (reddish combs and wattles quite developed at 8 weeks).

Two are clearly female with small yellow combs and no wattle development.

But one of them is really hard to tell.
I named it Bubelah.
The comb is larger than the two girls but not as red as the boys; it’s pale pink.
And Bubelah is outgoing and confident like the boys but no wattles like them.

Bubelah may be an assertive female :fl or a slow developing male. :idunno
At 8 weeks old I still can’t tell with this chick.
Only time will tell.
7 Weeks pictures. I guess I must accept that CutiePie is Cupid :( Everything I have read and all the responses I have received (except from the breeder I purchased them from) show it as a cockerel. So much for being safe with an Auto-Sexing breed! My fault I suppose - I didn't do my homework on the breed before purchasing. I had never heard of Flowery 55's and the breeder seemed very knowledgable. She insisted the boys were ALL WHITE. I can see it at the 1 week picture, but from there on, I would think that any breeder familiar with the breed would know. I sent her pictures at 6 weeks and she still says he is a hen and sends me pictures of her hens that look nothing like Cupid - other than they do have large combs and waddles. Sorry - just frustrated. Anyway..

7 Weeks + 1 Day
BlueMan - Crested Cream Legbar Cockerel 20 oz (he finally catching up to the girls!)
Cupid - 55 Flowery NOT Hen 20.7 oz
7Wks.Cupid.jpg 7Wks.Cupid1.jpg
Brownie - Black SexLink 22 oz
Blacky - Black SexLink 21 oz.
Don’t give up hope!
I believe 55 Flowery females have large combs and wattles.
Some pullets are very confident.
I have 5 Naked Necks right now.

Two are clearly boys (reddish combs and wattles quite developed at 8 weeks).

Two are clearly female with small yellow combs and no wattle development.

But one of them is really hard to tell.
I named it Bubelah.
The comb is larger than the two girls but not as red as the boys; it’s pale pink.
And Bubelah is outgoing and confident like the boys but no wattles like them.

Bubelah may be an assertive female :fl or a slow developing male. :idunno
At 8 weeks old I still can’t tell with this chick.
Only time will tell.
Well, the boys made it easy to tell...

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