I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

I found a way to get super FRESH eggs to peel. I mean even eggs laid the same day!

BOIL THE WATER FIRST THEN ADD YOUR EGGS. I add a little salt too. Don't drop them in, lower them gently with a spoon. Boil for 6 minutes then remove from heat, let set 5 more minutes.


Drain pan and fill with cool water. Crack eggs and peel AS SOON as they are not super hot to touch. Don't leave them sit in the cool water. PEEL ASAP

works perfect EVERY time!!!
The other day I needed some boiled eggs for the baby peacock.

Okay - this is what I have done and I told my wife that I am going to patent the idea : ) I had sauteed some beef hotdog in a boiling pot one evening. I left the grease in the pan and covered it. Next morning I filled the pot with cold water...put the eggs in water and left it to simmer for a while. By the time I came back from the barn - I took them out and ran them under cold water. Later around lunchtime I went to peel the eggs and they came right out!!! it was like a miracle. My wife thinks it is the fat that helped.

It was simply accidental. I dont know why I left the grease in the pot and why I used the same pot to boil the eggs...but it works! It was fresh eggs from the same day also. Let me know if it works for some of you folks.

So I tried many methods to hard-boil eggs so that they're easy to peel. I've had no success.

I've used the boil and then immediately dunk in ice water; I've tried the poke a hole in the eggs; I've tried vinegar; I've tried putting oil in the water; I've boiled the water first... and the list goes on and on.

Bottom line: use eggs that are a little less than new - maybe 4 or 5 days old. Boil them and dunk them in ice water until cool and then place them in the fridge for about 4 days. The peel and eat.

That seems to work the best.... Unless there's another idea out there...

ps. I did not try the steaming - maybe that works.
THANKS for posting all your outcomes from your research! I'd never thought of putting them in the fridge for a few days. I'm going to try it. Thanks again!

I also have heard that those commercial egg steamers make it super easy to peel very fresh hard-boiled eggs, but I can't see spending the $ on something that will only cook a few at a time, and that's really all the appliance does. I don't have enough cabinet space for anything that's not a multitasker in my kitchen.
What I do is put a dozen or two in the back of fridge and mark my calendar for 3 weeks. Or I did that the last time and it worked. The older they get the easier it is to peel them. I have heard of salt in the water works too...I might try that next time too. Right now I got a bunch of banty eggs in the back of fridge and are dated for the 10th of February to be boiled. (I get TOO many banty eggs!)


PS Incidentally, those banty eggs (especially Ameraucana ones) peel easiest. I wonder why?
What I do is put a dozen or two in the back of fridge and mark my calendar for 3 weeks. Or I did that the last time and it worked. The older they get the easier it is to peel them. I have heard of salt in the water works too...I might try that next time too. Right now I got a bunch of banty eggs in the back of fridge and are dated for the 10th of February to be boiled. (I get TOO many banty eggs!)

Pedro you cook too?

Actually it is so simple but a great idea thanks.
Try this:
Boil water first, add salt - then add eggs, boil. remove and put under cold water till cool - then put into fridge overnight - by morning - easy to peel boiled eggs!
That is exactly what I do (just to be safe)! lol When a holiday is coming up for a big meal and lots of cooking and I know deviled eggs will be needed I stash a couple dozen the month before.

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