I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

Hi I have a question about my eggs. sometimes i have tee tiny small specs of blood in my eggs. my grandmother said i need to throw them in the trash, but sometimes I have quite a few like that and I hate to waste them. I do not have a rooster as well. Does someone know what to do. Also what is the best method of cleaning my eggs since sometimes they have alot of poop on them. thanks for all your help.
I use a steamer basket, instead of boiling my eggs. Keeps them from roiling in the boiling water and cracking open. Use older eggs, that really helps. Rinse in cold, cold water immediately after, and let them sit in the cold water until the eggs are fully cold. Then - and this is the last trick - under a thin stream of cold water, tap tap tap your egg all over until it's covered in tiny cracks. Start peeling, and let the cold water get in under the membrane - peel comes right off easily. Perfect hard boiled egg, every time!
don't throw them away! just eat them, they are safe and don't taste any different at all. i've always just eaten them but if it bothers you that much, scramble them and feed them back to the chickens. as for cleaning i use steel wool under cold tap water. its a pain but necessary.


in other news i just tried the steaming method on fresh eggs from our afternoon layers. two small white eggs from fayoumis, one very large, dark egg from my cuckoo marans and one elongated pointy off-white egg from my sweet little silver phoenix.

the phoenix egg cracked while cooking, makes no difference to me it still tasted the same. i added a small amount of salt to the water. peeled a fayoumi egg while it was HOT. didnt run any water over it. it hurt to peel but it peeled flawlessly. dunked the rest in icy cold water, they peeled more easily than usual but i still ended up tearing off a bit of white. not a whole lot, just a little. after this i can tell you one thing - i'm never boiling eggs again, from now on im going to steam them!

what i want to know is why is it that fresh hard boiled seagull eggs are soooooo easy to peel and fresh chicken eggs like to get the whites torn?

edit: holy crap! the phoenix egg was a double yolker!
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We took fresh eggs (collected yesterday) and tried the baking soda and blowing them out. We cannot get them to blow out of the shell! Has anybody made that work? They did seem to peel fairly easily by hand, but they were not blowing out at all. There were several of us trying, so it's not just one of being wimpy.

The shell starts breaking. One time I had the white of the egg start to tear, but it still wouldn't come out of the shell.
Ok, I tried several ideas from here and they didn't work for me. I left the eggs out overnight so they were room temp. I had them on the heat until the started boiling, then turned off the burner and left them for 20 min. I then ran cold water on the eggs and the shells stuck. I tried several in the pot banging them around until the shells broke but they wouldn't fall off. I didn't try adding things to the boiling water so I guess that is my next choice.

They are fine for egg salad sandwiches (which I love) but DH wanted some deviled eggs but that ain't gonna happen with these eggs!
THANKS everyone for all your ideas...

~ I ended up trying the hole poking in the eggs, as well as adding a bit of salt ( I've always done this ) & then let them cool in a pan of ice water for about 10 mins.
Worked like a CHARM!

~ Angie "The whining wife"
There are alot of different methods on this thread, I tried a bunch of them and the one that worked best for me was to bring the water to a boil first, then lower the eggs into the water with a spoon. Boil for 7 minutes (depending on the amount of eggs you have this can be adjusted. I usually boil 8 at a time), then turn off heat for 7 minutes, then run under cold water and let sit. I then put them in the fridge for at least 8 hours to cool completely.

I take the back of a spoon and bang the shell all over to crack it. Flip the spoon over and slip the end of the spoon into the end of the egg to peel off the shell making sure to get the spoon under the membrane.

This works well for me, I use to use the eggs in cold water bring to a boil method but lost a ton of whites using fresh eggs. Good luck!
Wow! Nobody makes eggs the way my mom taught me. No fresh eggs yet, as we're still building the coop, but I would love to know if my mom's method works for ya'll. She takes eggs from the fridge, dumps some salt over them, and then hot water from the tap, then brings to a boil for five minutes, covers and removes from heat, and let's sit for 15. Then, dump out the hot water, pour a bunch of ice on top and add cold water from tap to rapidly cool. They always peel great.
Thats a lot of extra effort that you dont need to do. Just boil your water, put eggs in...I do it for 14 mins. Take pot off the stove, dump out hot water and run cold water over the eggs until cool....then peel....voila!!! perfect even fresh out of the nest.
I also had thought myself doomed to having no fresh egg salad, no fresh boiled eggs, no fresh deviled....you get the point. All the tips are great, and thanks.

"The Rooster crows, but the Hen delivers."

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