I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

I tried the salt method. I used a half cup of salt with 28 eggs and enough water to cover. Most of them peeled flawlessly! Even the worse one looked great, and was in good enough shape to make deviled eggs. Later, I tried 32 eggs with a quarter cup of salt. They didn't peel near as well. So make sure to use plenty of salt! Thanks so much BYC, my family loves deviled eggs, and I can now make them with our home grown eggs!
There's another way -- no salt involved. After you boil the eggs, soak them in ice water for a couple of minutes. While they're soaking, empty out the water you boiled them in and leave the pot dry. Now put the eggs back in and shake the pot back and forth for one minute. The eggs will almost peel themselves and what's left hanging on just comes off like a dream. You'll be thrilled, trust me. Only took me six decades to figure this out. Quick study, huh?
Hello All,

This is my very first post, but wanted to thank you all for the suggestions. I did try this last night with fresh eggs and to my delight it worked beautifully.

-I poked a little hole in the bottom of the egg,
-I added a tad of olive oil to the water,
-placed eggs in boiling water, boiled for about 5-6 minutes
-put them in a bowl & ran some cool water over them.
-Peeled beautifully:)

Peeling fresh eggs used to require blood pressure medication for me to get through it- it would drive me insane!!!!

This is so much easier!

My salt free solution has been just to get the water boiling before putting the eggs in the water. When they're done, i immediately drain the water and chill. But honestly, i could peel 'em right then if i wanted to. It's boiling the water before putting the eggs in that does the trick for me.
I have NEVER had any problems peeling hard-boiled eggs........I always poke a hole in the large end with a push pin before putting in the water - boil 15 minutes - run cold cold water over them after boiling and let them sit a few minutes in the cold water - - break the shell all over - - i just bang away on the counter rolling the egg in my hand so the pieces are small - they just slip right out!

No salt - no vinegar......just water
Sometimes you just want a bunch of hard boiled eggs in the fridge, to eat later, so poking a hole would be not so good..

lol anyway. I have had good luck with this method, but ONLY after the eggs are 3 days old, before that, this is no help.
Wash the eggs in cold water, then put in a pot to boil. I then dump out the hot water after they are done cooking and fill will cold water.
Folks, I have 8 pots going right now trying all this out. Who will the lucky winner be? After these, I will set some more. (Eggs are not a problem here) I have always wondered the same thing and not you good folk got me going. Thanks! I'll let you know.

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