I finally got rid of the TV...


I sure got some strange looks when my brother and his family came to stay. My nephew was looking for the TV, and couldn't find it. Well, he was quite happy to find out that I keep it in the guest room! (and quite unhappy to find that I do not have cable) after the initial shock, he had fun, though.. lots to do here in Austin.
I did the same thing and everybody in the house was really mad at me. It's been two years and I really like that my kids don't have much interest in the TV anymore. When we go on holiday and there is a TV in the hotel room, they don't even turn it on.
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My husband and I were just talking about living without TV. Maybe someday, but we're not there yet.

We don't have cable or satellite, we get 4 channels. In the summer, the TV is almost never turned on, we're so busy with other projects. However, we do love to watch movies, so the TV stays.
For real! Boot their little butts outdoors.
If it was summer, and nice outside, I was out in the sandbox, building forts in the backyard or riding my bike (or playing with my huge White Leghorn rooster).
I lived for years without a TV. Then, Mom came to visit. That woman was so determined to watch Wheel of Fortune that she walked about 5 miles to the electronics store to purchase a television and walked it back to my place. I lived in a small apartment in San Francisco at the time, no car or anything. Well, I still have the TV, and now that I am married, I can't get rid of the thing. I thought that the digital TV switch would finally rid our household of television for good, but wouldn't you know, the government gave out coupons for free digital converter boxes, so there was no excuse for us not to get one. Ugh! I so envy those of you who have TV free households.
Me either...LOL

It IS getting easier to get visual entertainment without a tv now though. I have been watching episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu for the past week
I never watched it when it first came out.

Between HULU, Netflicks, and cheap DVD's, I could almost go without. ALMOST
Mud pies with violets on top! That's what I used to love to make and swimming. Yeah, kids today-they don't know what they're missing!

Good for you on getting rid of your tv, I hardly ever watch mine now that it's summer, just at night before bed. It helps me to wind down from the day. Of course, reading does that too lol!
We cut our cable about 6 months ago and I really havent missed it.
Our friends got theirs cut off about the same time lived without it for about 3 turned it back on and now the roommates are complaining there is nothing on and the $100 something cable bill.


My kids are 1.5 and 3 years old. I plan on never turning the cable back on
If it gets real bad well go to the redbox and rent one for $1.
Or I just watch the shows I like on the internet for FREEEEE

I still have all my old movies from when I was little and their grandma buys them the new ones.

Plus what good is satellite when the only time you watch it is when it rains? Then there is no tv anyways
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I am glad to see there are others out there who don't "TV" either. All we have is bunny ears on our roof, and our (one and only) TV is on for maybe 1hr. a day. I have always very strictly regulated my kid's TV time, and am even pickier about what they do see on there when it is on. Most people who find this out are genuinely shocked. I think mostly because their TVs are always on, whether anyone is watching it or not. I even had one woman tell me that I was harming my kids because they will be too sensitive to the "real world" when they are older. (what??????????) We live way out in the country, on a lake, on 65 acres...... there is so much to see and do every single day. What could we be possibly missing out on with no TV??

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