I got into trouble I think for talking to my chickens too loudly

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If your neighbor wants a quiet place then they should live next to a cemetery and not a place where there is life (life=noise!) As for me I wouldn't want to live in a place where people have to worry about making some noise, such as people talking, children laughing, dogs barking (some) and chickens yakking.
I talk to my chickens all the time, loudly sometimes, and my neighbors dont mind...especially when I give them fresh eggs on occasion lol.
This past summer when it was so hot, one of my hens was sitting in the sun...."Aw sweetie, get out of the sun! It's too hot...you'll get heatstroke!". Then from the other side of the bushes in a deep male voice: "Aw honey, I didn't know you cared!" It was my neighbor!!
When I as in college I worked on my boyfriend's dairy farm. His dad finally taught me to drive a tractor--a 1928 Ford--and let me rake hay while the boys milked. I was way out in a huge hay field talking my way through the job, saying things like gotta do this right, can't mess up Mr. H's hay, he'll never let me drive again etc. ....when I heard laughing. I couldn't find the source anywhere. It turned out to be a guy in a hot air balloon who silently lowered his balloon down right in the middle of the field, being careful to land in the area I hadn't raked yet! He said if I was that worried about Mr. H, so was he!
He promised to keep the fact that he could hear me "about a mile away" just between us since it found him a place to land when he was in a jam.
My next door neighbor has a really nice golden retriever. When I'm outside Rudy will come up to the fence looking for attention. I can stick my fingers through the chainlink and kinda pet him. I usually will talk to Rudy.
Last summer I was telling Rudy:
"Oh poor Rudy, nobody pays any attention to you, you are so neglected on & on" All the while Rudy was getting more & more excited. Then I hear Rudy's owner's voice coming out of the house.

"If I gave my wife half the attention I give that dog, I'd still be married"

Imp- I still talk to Rudy
Once I was talking baby talk to my ducklings when I heard snorting from the other side of the fence. The fence was shaking, too.
My neighbor was laughing to tears while the fence was holding him up.

sorry but it is pretty funny!!!

now if that neighbour got some chickens he/she might see why you do that. don't stop baby talking your girls, just doing it more quietly LOL

I have no direct neighbours and sound travel real well around here, both of mine are 2 acres away on each side, and even though I know they can hear me when I am outside acting like a dork I really don't care. And when I say a dork, I mean really dorky. I once didn't realize my elderly neighbours to the right were out on their porch nearing sundown, and my dh and I were cleaning up after a BBQ and I broke out to an MC Hammer song and began dancing like an Idiot. I stopped when I heard them laughing, I went back inside and my Dh spent the night laughing at me, I too thought it was funny.

late spring we were painting the side of the house, and my dh was on a ladder and I again didn't see my neighbours out and I pulled his pants down, he always wears shorts underneath, but I heard my neighbour whistle and then laugh, he later came by with a couple beers and the painting didn't get done....

so there I hope you feel better, :-D

Yes, it makes me feel better. Thanks! Yes, I will keep talking to my girls, but softly. This morning as I was doing my chicken chores, though, I didn't have the nerve to say anything. It was like being at a funeral as I hosed out the coops. The girls were a little freaked out and kept coming up to me, and looking at me funny. I really don't think I have the nerve to be loud as I said tonight when I close them up.

I will just try to be a good neighbor and be oh so quiet. We live on a 5 acre lot in the country.
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