I got my new egg scale today...


6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
I was all excited to receive my new egg scale. So I weighed a few of my eggs.....pee-wee to medium...
My hens are now 27 weeks old. When should I start getting some larger eggs. I know the Dominiques will lay a smaller egg as they are a smaller bird. I also have black jersey giants, black astralorps, buff orpingtons, speckled sussex, americanas,partridge rocks, and one white cochin. The quality of my eggs is awesome! The size,
It seems the size fluctuates, some days they are larger than other days. Oh and this egg scale is really awesome! $33 shipped!
Typically, my eggs are medium. Sometimes, large or rarely extra large. They are Barred Rocks, a Buff Orpington, and some New Hampshire Reds.

Typically, my eggs are medium. Sometimes, large or rarely extra large. They are Barred Rocks, a Buff Orpington, and some New Hampshire Reds.

How old are your hens? I didn"t want hybrid chickens. I wanted the heritage types. I red that if a hen begins to lay early in her life the eggs will be small and remain a smaller size through out her life. I got this batch in march, so they had really long sunshine days. I have more ready to hatch from a broody and more being shipped here in a week. Maybe with the shorter days they will start to lay later. This will be a good experiment to see if that is true. I am ok with medium eggs, but when you sell them people, many expect a larger size.(its what people are used to) This does depend who is buying. I am small scale but I like to produce quality. ( of the egg and the quality of my chickens life) I have several people who buy them, and are very happy knowing my chickens are on pasture. Thankyou for the comparison, that helped.
Your pullets haven't been laying that long. The eggs will gradually get bigger over time, but it takes a while. Then after their first adult molt, you may see a big jump in egg size.
Your pullets haven't been laying that long. The eggs will gradually get bigger over time, but it takes a while. Then after their first adult molt, you may see a big jump in egg size.
Thank you! I have read that the eggs get larger with age. I had chickens a kid, but They really were not layers, just ''pet'' chickens I brought them home from a farmer that I worked for. I did have one go broody back then and hatch out. My mom made me get rid of my rooster because she could not even come out of the house with out a serious attack!! I have the experience with housing, care etc. but I am still learning about a few topics, you never stop learning! This site is really good help that way! I thank everyone for sharing their great knowledge.

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