I hate my life I dont even care to be here!

I hope you feel better.
I am so sorry you feel like this, if you need anyone to talk to let me know. I know I don't know you personally, but sometimes it just helps to vent your frustrations with a stranger.

Just remember, it is always worse for someone else. Feeling sorry for yourself is negative, selfish and a waste of energy. If I let all the crazy **** that happens in my life get to me I would be dead.

Here is just a sampling of what has happened over the past two years:

2008 -
Father (79) has bladder surgery, has federal income tax debited from a checking acct that doesn't have enough money in it, and gets bounced, plus then is responsible for extra fees and penalties
mother falls, and breaks both arms (age 78).
I fall two weeks later and tear cartilage in my knee
Father in law falls (91 yo) breaks hip, develops low sodium encephalopathy, and is given too much demerol in the hospital causing multiple other issues
Mother in law fractures back (89 yo)

2009-I am diagnosed with lupus, chronic fatigue
We continue to deal with ongoing complications relating to 2008 issues

2010 -
My mother has bronchitis for three months (Feb - April)
My father (82) ignores jury summons and is help in contempt of cour
Father has back surgery, has BP spike b/c of nursing error, and is held 2 additional days because of this error (Easter weekend)
My mother is broad-sided by another car on good friday
My mother falls down steps last week and doesn;t tell anyone til Saturday, go to the ER and she has swelling and blood congealed in large spots on the leg (she is on coumadin b/c of TIA in 2007, Jan)
My mother has an accident today, because she took her foot off the break and slams into another car while waitibg in line to pick up my nephew at school.

**** happens...
Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday!! I have had a crappy several weeks and today at the courthouse one of the girls who works in the tax office walked by me and said, "I LOVE the color of your hair." It's silver grey . . . and I was just debating on getting it colored after my perm was a couple of weeks old. . .now I don't think I will . . .so it just usually takes one person to say a nice thing to sort of get you back on track!
I know exactly what you mean. Some days and even weeks and months I feel like life can be over anytime now. It's ok with me because it can really be a pain in the butt and when life becomes more pain than joy its really disheartening. But, the old cliche, life is like a rollercoaster, up and down. Down, you hunker down and weather the storm knowing Spring, the up, will soon be here. Hang in there and muster the strength that you aquired the last time. I don't know if you have a belief in God but I have learned in these times to just let go and let God handle it. You don't give up, you just listen for the still small voice that will help guide you through it. Usually I'm walking beside Him but sometimes I ask him to carry me. He helps relieve the burden. Peace and strength be with you.
Forgive me but I hate when folks do this type of thing. It never works. OP I am sorry your having a bad day or maybe a week I don't know. Things do get better. Life is like the tide it ebbs and rises. Emotions are like that too. Sometimes the people we want to appreciate us don't, but there are those that do.
Bluemoon I know how you feel, I've been there. Is the rose less beautiful because there is no one there to see it? Does it smell less sweet because there is no one to smell it? I don't particularly like Silkies but are they less cute because I don't? Of course not and you two are still fine people and I would be there for you if I could and there are alot of people here who would too. Chin up.
I am sorry you had a bad day. I have had a bad month. things will get better. sending you hugs

happy birthday. today was my birthday too. had to takeDH to cardio rehab
I promise things will get better!! Just have faith and don't try to figure things out on your own...LET GO AND LET GOD!!......In 2006, i went in for minor back surgery. It was supposed to be day surgery, no big deal, right? Wrong!! I woke up paralyzed from the waist down due to a stupid mistake the doctor made. I'm much better today and can walk again. Praise the Lord!! eight days after my surgery, I tragically lost my brothernlaw, sisternlaw (who was also my BEST friend, we were more like sisters than SIL), my 12 yr old niece and my 6 yr old nephew. It was sooooo very hard!! There were many days where it felt like I just couldn't go on anymore. Time takes care of the excruiating pain, but I still live with the effects of the surgery and the effects of losing my family. I hope you get to feeling better...there are always silver linings in the dark clouds..stay positive!

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