I Have a Fox Problem



Jul 2, 2019
I only just started raising chickens. My chicks are about 4 months old. I have a store bought coop and I made an extra outside pen/run for them out of chicken wire (mistake #1). I only let them out in the chicken wire area when I'm home so I can keep an ear/eye out for them. I saw a fox on our property last week but it didn't go near the chicks. Today I saw another one, I think it was a different one. The fox snatched 3 of my 4 chicks. I'm pretty sure it was coming after the last one because when I went out to check on them I saw it running away and only one chick remained. I have 2 questions:
1. What is the best type of trap I can use to get him? I saw someone mention a spring trap in another post.

2. My friend has a farm with 20-30 chickens of all ages. Do you think she'd be better off there or would they pick on her for being new?

I don't feel comfortable bringing more chickens on my property until I have a better setup which I'll start working on this weekend. There are farms w/ chickens all around my property so it didn't occur to me that there'd be a predator issue.

Thank you so much! Sorry for such a long post.
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I use havahart traps. They usually work pretty fast. You just have to use the right baits and you should have good luck cathicng them. As for the coop and run I put a 6 inch liner in the ground around my coop with bricks over it. Close the pen up and keep them in at night. Im sorry for your losses but glad you are taking responsibility for keeping your chick and future chickens safe. As for the one chick right now you can keep her but when you introduce new ones she might be a little mean establishing pecking order for a while. Good luck!:jumpy
You cannot trap a fox. Illegal. Store bought coop Mistake #1 ( made this mistake also). How did it get in?? Did you bury the wire 18 inches out from your enclosure? Did it get under the fence? I have fox and it just watched my girls, it found out it was WAY too much trouble to try to get in. I have an enclosed 12x 24ft garden, their coop is inside, the fence is 6ft high, I have hardware cloth around the perimeter and buried 18 inches out. I've had Chickens going on 3 yrs, not ONE predator death. After my first year I realized I was in OVER my head, I studied and built my own coop.


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You cannot trap a fox. Illegal. Store bought coop Mistake #1 ( made this mistake also). How did it get in?? Did you bury the wire 18 inches out from your enclosure? Did it get under the fence? I have fox and it just watched my girls, it found out it was WAY too much trouble to try to get in. I have an enclosed 12x 24ft garden, their coop is inside, the fence is 6ft high, I have hardware cloth around the perimeter and buried 18 inches out. I've had Chickens going on 3 yrs, not ONE predator death. After my first year I realized I was in OVER my head, I studied and built my own coop.
I love your coop
Thanks!! I'm a wife , mother, nurse, and over 50ys old!! I built it myself with my 14yr old daughter as my apprentice, and my 20yr old son as the occasional needed MUSCLE. My husband was hands off because if it went bad he didn't want to be blamed :tongue. I'm proud of what I built, I took an entire winter studying and critiquing other's designs. I finally decided on copying the Wichita coop. My design is reverse of the coop on this site. My girls love it!, It's easy to clean and I have 3 egg boxes for 6 hens. I'm very proud of my accomplishment! Thanks:D
I only just started raising chickens. My chicks are about 4 months old. I have a store bought coop and I made an extra outside pen/run for them out of chicken wire (mistake #1). I only let them out in the chicken wire area when I'm home so I can keep an ear/eye out for them. I saw a fox on our property last week but it didn't go near the chicks. Today I saw another one, I think it was a different one. The fox snatched 3 of my 4 chicks. I'm pretty sure it was coming after the last one because when I went out to check on them I saw it running away and only one chick remained. I have 2 questions:
1. What is the best type of trap I can use to get him? I saw someone mention a spring trap in another post.

2. My friend has a farm with 20-30 chickens of all ages. Do you think she'd be better off there or would they pick on her for being new?

I don't feel comfortable bringing more chickens on my property until I have a better setup which I'll start working on this weekend. There are farms w/ chickens all around my property so it didn't occur to me that there'd be a predator issue.

Thank you so much! Sorry for such a long post.
Here's my first Store bought coop IMG_1324.JPG WHAT WAS I THINKING??

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