I Have a Fox Problem

I recently had the same issue, losing 12 of mine. We eventually killed the one fox (legal here) and have been setting a live trap for the other. However, I bought a solar powered radio that I play the weather channel on all day, since fox are scared of people), a motion detection alarm that emits lights and a high-pitched alarm, and 100% wolf urine to spray along the perimeter. The fox hasn't been since - two weeks now. I don't know if these things actually worked or if it decided to move on but it was here the day before I set it all up and now it's not, so... Anyway, good luck and I'm sorry for your loss.
To the OP: If you think your friend might take a little time to get your remaining chicken acclimated, that might be your best bet for now. Why don't you talk with them about it, and see if they have a "feel" for what needs to be provided to help the chicken fit in? That way you could do the stuff you need to do to prepare a predator proof coop and run, without worrying with the one lone chicken.
You cannot trap a fox. Illegal. Store bought coop Mistake #1 ( made this mistake also). How did it get in?? Did you bury the wire 18 inches out from your enclosure? Did it get under the fence? I have fox and it just watched my girls, it found out it was WAY too much trouble to try to get in. I have an enclosed 12x 24ft garden, their coop is inside, the fence is 6ft high, I have hardware cloth around the perimeter and buried 18 inches out. I've had Chickens going on 3 yrs, not ONE predator death. After my first year I realized I was in OVER my head, I studied and built my own coop.

I’m lost...

Why is trapping a fox illegal?

What state ( assuming the USA) is the OP in?
So sorry! We've all started somewhere, and had awful losses, and learned. Your one survivor needs to be protected, either with you, or at another place, while you decide what to do next.
Building a predator proof coop and run is essential, if you want to enjoy your chickens, and it will take some time at least.
If legal where you live, electrified poultry netting works well to keep out ground predators. See Premier1supplies.com for that.
A garden shed, modified with larger window openings and ventilation, is a good coop.
Foxes are smart and can be difficult to trap, and predators of any sort will be happy to take unprotected birds, especially at night.
Find out what your local/ state laws are regarding predators.
I called the state Wildlife department when I had a fox problem. Was told I could shoot the fox if I caught it in the act of killing chickens. However, could not go near the den as it was in a state park. A neighbor ended up killing the fox which solved the problem until the next fox moved into the area.

I solved the problem by buying Premier1 electric poultry netting. Fox got zapped and never came back.
I recently had the same issue, losing 12 of mine. We eventually killed the one fox (legal here) and have been setting a live trap for the other. However, I bought a solar powered radio that I play the weather channel on all day, since fox are scared of people), a motion detection alarm that emits lights and a high-pitched alarm, and 100% wolf urine to spray along the perimeter. The fox hasn't been since - two weeks now. I don't know if these things actually worked or if it decided to move on but it was here the day before I set it all up and now it's not, so... Anyway, good luck and I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks! I'll definitely give these a shot!
Regarding my second question, do you think it would be ok for the chicken to relocate her to my friend farm until the fox situation is under control?

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