I Have a Fox Problem

Predators aren't discouraged for very long by lights, sounds, or scarecrows. Electric fencing and a safe coop and run, and maybe a good dog or two (most expensive and long term project) are what works. Spend $$$ on that coop and run, and fencing!

True, however to get a good LGD can be very costly! My coop is secure and I don't worry about them at night, but they free range all day so there is always a chance of predators coming in. I am working on adding electric, but it is taking time since I have to clear a bunch of trees along the perimeter. I agree though that my suggestions are probably not long term solutions, but they are a cheaper option to help in the immediate future.
Predators aren't discouraged for very long by lights, sounds, or scarecrows. Electric fencing and a safe coop and run, and maybe a good dog or two (most expensive and long term project) are what works. Spend $$$ on that coop and run, and fencing!
I agree. I lost a very special bird to a fox a few months ago during the middle of the day when she was out. I do have electric wire around my coops and pens. I know I can't keep the predators away so I protect my birds the best I possibly can. I had two live traps set out, one was a very large hog/coyote trap and the other was for coons and fox. I set the traps for a few nights with bait that the predators could get to and then set the trap I caught my killer fox. I also got it on camera.
Here it is at the baited traps. I have seen more fox since. We also have a lot of coyotes.
I have several game cameras up around on my property. Most nights I see a predator. It's usually a coyote but occasionally a fox or other predator. Last nights visitor. It's hard to see but you can see the camera light.
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I agree. I lost a very special bird to a fox a few months ago during the middle of the day when she was out. I do have electric wire around my coops and pens. I know I can't keep the predators away so I protect my birds the best I possibly can. I had two live traps set out, one was a very large hog/coyote trap and the other was for coons and fox. I set the traps for a few nights with bait that the predators could get to and then set the trap I caught my killer fox. I also got it on camera.
Here it is at the baited traps. I have seen more fox since. We also have a lot of coyotes.

Stupid question but what do you do with it once you've caught it? Not sure if they can be relocated?
Only trap if you will then shoot it.
Relocation of many critters, including foxes, raccoons, and opossums, is only allowed on your property, or on private property with landowner permission within your same county, in many states, including mine. You need to check up on your state laws before making any decisions on this.
Nobody else will want a chicken killing trap wise fox in their neighborhood!

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