I have lost my couch

I have not the first idea what Sam is. He looks like a beagle mix but doesn't act a THING like a beagle. It's a definite puzzle (for us anyway -- anyone with a guess is welcome!). Standard doxies are 8 or 9 inches tall and 16-30 or so pounds.
And a snout!!
That looks my couch with a few differences...mine has their sheet on it, it is blue under the sheet and the dogs are black and only 2 of them. But other than that...looks the same to me.
Your photo reminds me of one of the funniest sights I ever saw as a kid. When I was 8 we adopted a stray cat that just showed up one day. It soon became clear why it showed up in need of anew home - it was certifiably nuts! It lived for finding ways to push both my mother's and the family dog's buttons. It soon discovered that it could squeeze through a small rip in the netting on the bottom of the couch and crawl unnoticed up into the frame into a small space where the back cushions met the seat cushions. It's favorite game was to sneak up into this space and then reach a paw out and swat whatever rear-ends were within reach.

Well one day, the Avon lady came a-calling..... she sat down on the couch and unloaded all her samples on to a tray on her lap.... she was in mid-sales pitch, and then it happened.... out came the paw to swat her rear-end. She let out a scream that could have curdled milk and cosmetics were launched to the opposite wall and up to the ceiling... where some of them stuck. And I, who was in the middle of Dr. Pepper promptly spewed it all over the room before collapsing on the floor in hysterics. Needless to say - my poor mother was not amused with either of us. But the poor sales woman sold more cosmetics to my mom that day than I'd ever seen her buy before as she tried to make amends to that poor woman for the incident. It still cracks me up thinking about it
Your photo reminds me of one of the funniest sights I ever saw as a kid. When I was 8 we adopted a stray cat that just showed up one day. It soon became clear why it showed up in need of anew home - it was certifiably nuts! It lived for finding ways to push both my mother's and the family dog's buttons. It soon discovered that it could squeeze through a small rip in the netting on the bottom of the couch and crawl unnoticed up into the frame into a small space where the back cushions met the seat cushions. It's favorite game was to sneak up into this space and then reach a paw out and swat whatever rear-ends were within reach.

Well one day, the Avon lady came a-calling..... she sat down on the couch and unloaded all her samples on to a tray on her lap.... she was in mid-sales pitch, and then it happened.... out came the paw to swat her rear-end. She let out a scream that could have curdled milk and cosmetics were launched to the opposite wall and up to the ceiling... where some of them stuck. And I, who was in the middle of Dr. Pepper promptly spewed it all over the room before collapsing on the floor in hysterics. Needless to say - my poor mother was not amused with either of us. But the poor sales woman sold more cosmetics to my mom that day than I'd ever seen her buy before as she tried to make amends to that poor woman for the incident. It still cracks me up thinking about it

Your photo reminds me of one of the funniest sights I ever saw as a kid. When I was 8 we adopted a stray cat that just showed up one day. It soon became clear why it showed up in need of anew home - it was certifiably nuts! It lived for finding ways to push both my mother's and the family dog's buttons. It soon discovered that it could squeeze through a small rip in the netting on the bottom of the couch and crawl unnoticed up into the frame into a small space where the back cushions met the seat cushions. It's favorite game was to sneak up into this space and then reach a paw out and swat whatever rear-ends were within reach.

Well one day, the Avon lady came a-calling..... she sat down on the couch and unloaded all her samples on to a tray on her lap.... she was in mid-sales pitch, and then it happened.... out came the paw to swat her rear-end. She let out a scream that could have curdled milk and cosmetics were launched to the opposite wall and up to the ceiling... where some of them stuck. And I, who was in the middle of Dr. Pepper promptly spewed it all over the room before collapsing on the floor in hysterics. Needless to say - my poor mother was not amused with either of us. But the poor sales woman sold more cosmetics to my mom that day than I'd ever seen her buy before as she tried to make amends to that poor woman for the incident. It still cracks me up thinking about it


OMG! I can actually visualize that.
I read it to my DH and we have both gotten a really good kick out of this story. Thanks for sharing such a hilarious story.

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