I have lost my couch

Im4eggcellance- that story made me laugh out loud and wake up the dogs on my sofa! I can just see the little stealth paw sneaking out!

This is usually what happens withour sofa-


Poor puppy had to sleep on the floor. The kitty never moved. HeHe!
Crazy4chicks- Great photo! My westie doesn't like sharing the couch with another but when forced he is OK as long as the other dog doesn't touch him, reminds me of kids in a car

Citygirl- Your post was great also! the expression on your dogs face is priceless
I'm glad folks enjoyed the story - it's 100% true. That cat would have been committed if she were a person.... she sure knew how to liven-up the household. Seeing cats on sofas just remind me of her.... gosh I miss her...

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