I Have Officially Been Flogged!

If you like the rooster and he tries to attack you again, grab him when he comes at you and pin him down until he stops struggling to get away, then let him up. It usually works for me when I have problem roosters.
I have an evil bantam. 'Fluff' (Named when he started getting his leg feathers) I walked into the pen one day after I got off work and realized one of the doors on the coop got left open (they have a pretty big fenced in area but I do not trust the neighbors dog enough to leave them out unsupervised.) Fluff ran up to me and started attacking my ankles over and over and over non stop! I had to keep gently pushing him away with my boot until I finally coaxed him back into his pen. Aggravated me a good bit. I'm glad he's little though!
I have an evil bantam. 'Fluff' (Named when he started getting his leg feathers) I walked into the pen one day after I got off work and realized one of the doors on the coop got left open (they have a pretty big fenced in area but I do not trust the neighbors dog enough to leave them out unsupervised.) Fluff ran up to me and started attacking my ankles over and over and over non stop! I had to keep gently pushing him away with my boot until I finally coaxed him back into his pen. Aggravated me a good bit. I'm glad he's little though!
Yes George gets angry at anyone new who comes into the run (i dont let my chickens free range either). We are currently looking for a new home for George bc he runs the huns too much, but he is very pretty and I will miss him even though he is mean.
Fluff has little man syndrome for sure. My aunt had a roo jump high enough to pierce her lip with a spur.. I'm pretty afraid of roosters..lol
Maybe wherever he goes you can have visitation rights? :)
When I caught 1 of the 4 bantam roosters going to freezer camp, the lead bantam roo tried to flog me. I say no loudly and he quits and walks away with his head down. I soon as I turn around he tries it again. This went on for 5 minutes until he finally quit. Other than that, he is a great roster.
When I caught 1 of the 4 bantam roosters going to freezer camp, the lead bantam roo tried to flog me. I say no loudly and he quits and walks away with his head down. I soon as I turn around he tries it again. This went on for 5 minutes until he finally quit. Other than that, he is a great roster.
He flogged me again and my brother yesterday. He is bad.
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What did you guys do? Did you yell at him? He sounds really aggressive.
We have never done anything to George, but I think that he hates the color red because he only floggs me when I have on red. He flogged me again today and I had on my red coat.
I am not going to wear my red coat in that run anymore. George is my brother's chicken and he has never flogged him before, but he floggs me all the time. But like I said, I have never done anything to George to make him not like me or to encourge his aggressiveness.

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