I have question about ducks in winter.


Apr 17, 2023
I've heard ducks lay in winter. Is this true? I've hear they can lay without any artificial light, which seems slightly absurd- but maybe not. For quail and chickens, when the light goes under 12 hrs, they stop laying. So what is the minimum hour for ducks? What kind of ducks lay the most during the winter? Is this a good way to still eat seasonally but get protein during the winter? WHat do you do for water? Sorry for my questions, but we have briefly considered getting ducks along with quail after hearing this news, and we're becoming more interested in raising our own food.
It's going to vary with duck breeds, their age, climate, feed, and just individual ducks. (but do a google and you get a range of how many eggs by breed) You may wish to check in on the 'How many eggs did you get today' thread. My 3 'black' Muscovy started laying the 1st week of Jan/'23, sloppy weather in the 'teens, at the youthful age of 5mo 1 week. In another 10 days the 3 will have laid their 100th egg :) Yet I hear they'll go broody in the spring and stop laying. One of my hens appeared to be a drake when a few weeks old. Saw her struggling a bit on her nest midday yesterday. An hour later I checked her nest, she's not a drake, she's an ostrich! If you examine George Washington eyes, they're cut over starring at her egg.
Luroy the Ostrich.jpg
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