I have to talk POLISH!

Opinions and critiques on this girl? The fair is coming up in Sept and my daughter would like to enter her (in the Junior exhibition.) She is our first polish soooo I'm not sure how good or bad she is. Please let me know anything good or bad you see about her. She is 13 weeks now and will be 22 weeks at fair time.

Personally I would encourage you to have your daughter to enter her bird since she would learn a lot from the experience.
Personally I would encourage you to have your daughter to enter her bird since she would learn a lot from the experience.
I think so too...I just don't want to be laughed at if she is a horrible specimen.
She isn't a hatchery bird, but her breeder doesn't specialize in Polish so I wonder how well she measures up. She has shown the birds in her polish pen, and they have done well, but I realize that doesn't mean all the chicks will do well also.

Eh...at the end of the day it is Junior exhibition...and entry fees are under $5. Whats the worst that can happen? We don't get a ribbon we already didn't have? I suppose we can both live with that!
I think so too...I just don't want to be laughed at if she is a horrible specimen.  :lau   She isn't a hatchery bird, but her breeder doesn't specialize in Polish so I wonder how well she measures up.  She has shown the birds in her polish pen, and they have done well, but I realize that doesn't mean all the chicks will do well also.

Eh...at the end of the day it is Junior exhibition...and entry fees are under $5.  Whats the worst that can happen? We don't get a ribbon we already didn't have? I suppose we can both live with that! :D
THat is the greatest statement! I shall borrow that. What a wonderful attitude to teach your children. I wish more people could look at life like that. Good for you!
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I think so too...I just don't want to be laughed at if she is a horrible specimen.
She isn't a hatchery bird, but her breeder doesn't specialize in Polish so I wonder how well she measures up. She has shown the birds in her polish pen, and they have done well, but I realize that doesn't mean all the chicks will do well also.

Eh...at the end of the day it is Junior exhibition...and entry fees are under $5. Whats the worst that can happen? We don't get a ribbon we already didn't have? I suppose we can both live with that!
No one is going to laugh at you ! If you don't do try, you also loose the opportunity to learn. tut tut enough lecturing and all that stuff !!!!!
Opinions and critiques on this girl? The fair is coming up in Sept and my daughter would like to enter her (in the Junior exhibition.) She is our first polish soooo I'm not sure how good or bad she is. Please let me know anything good or bad you see about her. She is 13 weeks now and will be 22 weeks at fair time.

I'm new to polish, but I know in this picture its hard to tell her overall type because shes hot, panting, and holding her wings loose to be cool.
I will say her beard is full, her tail from this angle looks good, if she was standing tall and proper I think she'd have a good carriage between the back and tail (important in polish) She has good lacing in her body, and it should improve as she ages some more, the laced birds don't tend to look their best til maturity (6-8 months old at least) but for her age I think she has alot of potential and think in 10 weeks her pattern will have only improved. The only fault I see with her is depth of color, she is pale for a buff, but I don't think that will hurt your daughter much in the junior exhibition at a fair. I think they more look at overall bird presentation, etc.
I definitely say go for it, like you said you may be out a few dollars, but shoot we stick that in a machine for our kids, or on a tinker toy they lose the next day...You may lose that couple dollars but you and your daughter will earn a ton of knowledge and some experience under your belts!
Thank you
I got hatching eggs from a breeder on Ebay who lives in Oregon.

The BLRWs in my Avatar are bantam BLRWs and I also breed the Large Fowl BLRWs. They are my favorites of my LF breeds. I do have chicks right now. I was just going to post some of their pictures on the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte thread

Oh, oooooooh! These birds are GORGEOUS! What great lacing, color, and feathering! Where did you get them?
I also see some BLRWs in your profile pic.. are you breeding them? I am BLRW obsessed....... Have any chicks? :p


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