I have to talk POLISH!

I have pics to post but of course the verver is encountering an error(?) so hopefully ill get them up in the next few minutes! really want to get them up here to get some input on what kind of polish they are and to verify my age guess of these guys.

which reminds me...is a WCB polish a different breed than say a buff laced? if you breed these different 'styles' together would that be considered a "mutt" polish, for lack of a better term? I really love these chickens, but really feel in the dark with the different types there are!
I go by this. If you breed 2 different Polish and consistently end up with the same pattern offspring, it would not be a mutt. I bred a WCB to some BLP, and got hens that were an offish white with black specks, but I considered them mutts, it was just not a specific pattern. The black specks were really nothing to write home about.
Here we go, so yeah...can u help me out with what kinda polish they are, and i believe they are about 2 weeks old here...agree or no?

This is Pinky (WCB?)

This is Midas, according to the quick feather sexing the guys at the feed store did on them should be a roo (i know, i know...im not putting a whole lot of stock in that assessment either) but i thought he was going to be a buff laced, but after reading here i believe he may be a red, yes?

And last but not least is Joan (of Arc). Im really at a loss on this one, but i think maybe a silver laced? it was an assorted crested group so there is a chance she may not be polish at all...

Any info on these guys would be awesome! People have also commented on DW's fingernails and as the explanation goes, the glitter in the polish will actually hold the attention of the chicks in the light just long enough to snap a picture sometimes! too bad im not an OT or id be adding it to that thread!

I appreciate all the help!
So everyone kinda agree that these guys are about 2 weeks-ish old?

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