I have to talk POLISH!

She is pretty! Btw Illia I love your egg basket in your avatar, I'm very jealous! I'm trying to get a egg basket like that but I have a few more years till ill have enough birds to make one that pretty.
They do look funky though, but must be difficult to get them to breed true. We don't have that colour here in the UK. or at least I've never seen it!
My first time with polish.. I got a couple hens. They said they were laying. Had them for a week nothin. I will say they look a lot more healthy now. Any suggestions. I do feed layer and scratch and treats. Their feathers are shinning more now.
Can anyone please tell me the sex of this 3 month old polish?
Any other breeders of bantam Gold Laced out there?
I'm just getting into this breed! I have 9 bantam Gold Laced polish and hope to have chicks next spring from them. I love these little guys... every time I see there little heads moving around the yard I can't help but laugh
OH my SLbantam Polish are growing up. I think I nailed the sex of them when they where 2days old 2 roos, 3 pullets.
Here's pics of two of them
Boy in the Back with a little red on his face and a girl up front whatcha think?

Girl. Perfect dome head dress. Lovethese little chickens
OH my SLbantam Polish are growing up. I think I nailed the sex of them when they where 2days old 2 roos, 3 pullets. Here's pics of two of them Boy in the Back with a little red on his face and a girl up front whatcha think? Girl. Perfect dome head dress. Lovethese little chickens
I believe you got them all correct. Beautiful birds :)

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