I have to talk POLISH!



Cute little things.
Hey, sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread, but I have a polish pullet who got snotty nose for long time, but no sneezing no watery eyes, just wet nostrils, and it's not greenish snot, it's just like water but more sticky and stuff, why is this happening?
Is this bird still around ? Or did it become ill and pass away ? It would be interesting to know ?
I still have two polish's currently. One 2 month old Red polish and then a 2week old WCB. I think I am definently obsessed with Polish, I dreamt about them the night before last!!
On July the 4th my neighbor thought letting his dogs run loose would be the thing to do. Of course it was my very favorite hens that were killed. Lady Gaga my WCB hen. She was the most favorite of all the flock for my entire family. I still get furious and want to go rip his ears off just thinking about it. My property is fenced in... I don't know how they got in the 4ft fence.

I said I wasn't buying anymore birds, but I've been watching Craig's List and a few other sites. No WCB to be found. I was in town today and something told me to go by the feed store. I did my happy dance out with 6 polish chicks. 5 are WCB the other a SL. Now I want to sit and watch them. I'm so excited. Lady Gaga will never be replaced as a beloved pet. These may just be hatchery stock, but this girl is thrilled to have them.

So sorry... Why is it always the favorite. I just had two stray dogs terrorize my flock. 3 looked dead but two must have just been stunned as they have recovered. But my most favorite girl died. She was all black except for one white feather on her head. I had hatched 15, sold 10 and kept 5. Out of the 5 she was the only girl. I'm still heartbroken.

Ordered 12 more eggs and this time I'm not selling any till I can tell sex.

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