I have to talk POLISH!

It gets so darn frustrating. This summer I hatched 10 tolbunt polish. Two were pullets.
I wouldn't get rid of it until you hear crowing. Its tail looks wedgie like a hen. I thought my SL was a roo until it laid a egg. Her crest comes down to her shoulders and the lacing makes the feathers look pointed.
I wouldn't get rid of it until you hear crowing. Its tail looks wedgie like a hen. I thought my SL was a roo until it laid a egg. Her crest comes down to her shoulders and the lacing makes the feathers look pointed.
do you have a picture of yours?
I wouldn't get rid of it until you hear crowing. Its tail looks wedgie like a hen. I thought my SL was a roo until it laid a egg. Her crest comes down to her shoulders and the lacing makes the feathers look pointed.

Also, i won't be rehoming anyone until they crow. I'm pretty sure i have a silkie roo too. So i will rehome them when they become an issue.
I don't rehome either until I am positive. These two (the tolbunts) aren't crowing, but they are definitely roos. One will stay. The SL is a pullet.
Speaking from years experience of trying both trimming front crest feathers and also tying the crest up, I much prefer the trimming option. Tying up a crest can be done too tight, or too off-center, and thus be irritating for the bird. Also, if you have chances of a mucky and/or rainy winter, their crests will get dirty and heavy fast.

Goose is a nice looking Tolbunt!

Also, love the EE cross. I've had so many Polish based EE's but so far no blue ones yet, despite using blue Wheaten parents from time to time.

Edited to add - That unknown gendered SL chick looks like a boy so far, but if I were you I'd wait it out a wee bit longer just to be sure.
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