I have to talk POLISH!

For me information about eggs is found at local shows, meet-ups/swaps and BYC buy sell auctions. Of course it does not hurt to ask but I have found hunting and research to be more lucrative.

That only works when people at the swaps have what you're looking for LOL. I keep watching the BYC auctions too naturally.
I have a friend selling out of Quality Bearded Silver Laced Polish Bantams they're out of my old stock.
If anyone here's interested PM Me ;)

1 yr - 3 yrs old.

Most of you have seen my old Lines of laced polish but if not send me your email in a PM I will send Pics.
Oh Josh I wish I could... I'll definitely contact you and cutie if I ever need new lines ;)

And sorry I didn't post pics asap after I talked to you Josh, I was just so busy and when I finally found time to go through our pics I couldn't find a side shot of her. So I'll have to run and and grab one when it's not raining.

But in the meantime I got another pic of the BL

Jacky just being lazy, enjoying that spring day.

I'm really hoping she decides to go broody on us, just because she seems a lot more laid back and caring. She's already laid a couple of eggs in her new coop with Oreo. We haven't introduced her to our rooster yet but if she does go broody I'll just bring out some of our other eggs. Keeping my hopes up ;)

@Semi- SO Jealous right now you have no idea. Did you encourage them to go broody at all or did they just go naturally?
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Oh Josh I wish I could... I'll definitely contact you and cutie if I ever need new lines ;)

And sorry I didn't post pics asap after I talked to you Josh, I was just so busy and when I finally found time to go through our pics I couldn't find a side shot of her. So I'll have to run and and grab one when it's not raining.

But in the meantime I got another pic of the BL

Jacky just being lazy, enjoying that spring day.

I'm really hoping she decides to go broody on us, just because she seems a lot more laid back and caring. She's already laid a couple of eggs in her new coop with Oreo. We haven't introduced her to our rooster yet but if she does go broody I'll just bring out some of our other eggs. Keeping my hopes up ;)

@Semi- SO Jealous right now you have no idea. Did you encourage them to go broody at all or did they just go naturally?

No, they just do it out of the blue. After 3 weeks, I toss them off the nest, LOL. I think my one girl is thinking about it. She is wandering, wandering, wandering, like she's looking for a spot. But she still lays an egg in the nest. She must be confused!
I am wanting to get some polish, thinking of buff laced. I livein Augusta County in Virginia and didn't know if anyone knew where I could get some really nice ones near by

Hi. I got mine as eggs off ebay and was lucky enough that they grew up pretty and healthy. That was 4 years ago.
Maybe try googling "poultry hatcheries", and look for something nearby.
Sometimes eggs are offered here on the auction thread. Or look in the 1-8 week old thread below it. It's easy to find something when you are not interested, hard when you are!

Eggs might give you more options.
we are new to polish, and have been doing some research but are getting a little confused. what is the difference in (polish) and tolbunts?

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