I have to talk POLISH!

Mostly black offspring.

That, or they will look much like my F1 Polish-based EE's - Varying amounts of black and silver/golden mixed, males will have spangling on breast, females will have black heads, silver patterned neck and breast.

Silver, gold, golden depends on who's mom, who's dad although your Self-Blue might also be carrying the silver gene, which means all offspring will be silver.

Either way you'll either have black offspring or mixed-colored EE-esque offspring. Not both though.
mom would be silver laced polish (as long as my baby stays a pullet) and dad would be the self blue. i will also have a mille fleur cockerel (hes only about 3-4 weeks old still d'uccle) what coloration could possibly come out of that?
Out of the Mille - I don't know for sure honestly but I'd assume some weird form of spangled, or just assorted black/gold mix in females, silver/golden and black in males.
Here is my Polinda; whom I have been now told is a Polar or something..definintely NOT a hen???

wahhh...how are Polish Roos? my silkie looks like its going to be a roo..we are really leery of having another roo...

Here is my Polinda; whom I have been now told is a Polar or something..definintely NOT a hen???

wahhh...how are Polish Roos? my silkie looks like its going to be a roo..we are really leery of having another roo...

now on this one i'm sure it is a cockerel with the way the crest is turning out to look like...mind you i am waiting to see if mine turns out to be the pullet that it looks like to everyone here and by goerge i hope yall are right i by far do not need another cockerel i have 4-5 already
So this is Phyllis....We are REALLY hoping she is a pullet because we can't keep a roo.
Somedays she seems rooish to me and somedays she seems more hen like. She is about 8 wks old and has just started showing a little bit of pink where the wattles will come in. Any thoughts/guesses on gender? Any input would be appreciated!

look at the egg my polish layed lol it is about the size of a huming birds egg i think.

this is not the normal size she layes it is just a yolkless egg.
So this is Phyllis....We are REALLY hoping she is a pullet because we can't keep a roo.:fl   Somedays she seems rooish to me and somedays she seems more hen like.  She is about 8 wks old and has just started showing a little bit of pink where the wattles will come in.  Any thoughts/guesses on gender?  Any input would be appreciated! 

I think u may have a boy.

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