I just found out that chickens seem to respond to/enjoy music? Share any stories you have!

When I got my 1st chickens, 2 Barred Rocks, Rocky & Sweet Pea, I was already in the habit of playing music on my phone while doing outdoor chores.
I switch around, Classic Rock, Oldies, Blues, Latin Guitar, Country or comedians for some humor.

When there was laughter, my Roo would actually "laugh" too. He has quite a personality anyway & of course, he has the loudest crow, still as an old timer, he is a big mouth. He laughs at the funniest times...if he hears me or anyone else laugh, or when he does something ornery, like a surprise peck or spur when you aren't looking. He's not "mean aggressive" & he doesn't really hurt me, it's more of a game, like "Aha, I got ya!" then he runs off laughing afterwards.

When he was a young Roo, he could be feisty, so I happened to start singing one day & noticed it calmed him down, like he was tilting his head, listening to my words, instead of thinking about how or when to sneak up behind me, as I did coop chores. I happened to be listening to oldies that day. Buddy Holly's Peggy Sue was on. As I entered his space, poop bucket and pooper scooper in my hands, I noticed his stink eye expression & decided to sing along, customizing the song. It really works, his demeanor changes instantly to one of calm acceptance, letting me do my chores in peace.

Imagine the Melody of Peggy Sue...this is Rocky's song...

Rocky Roo,
Rocky Roo,
Crazy Rooster I love you
Oh Rocky
My Rocky Rooooooo
Well you're a crazy bird
But I love my Rocky Roooo

There are some songs that the flock will get excited over & some songs that calm them.

All Chickens cluck along with this oldies reggae song! It is so funny, I swear they even seem to be in tune! Well, if you listen to it, you do hear singing that sounds alot like clucking!

This song got them all clucking, too.
(Go figure, right?! 😆)

They also cluck along with Bill Haley, Van Halen & The Doors.

Country music, Blues, Latin Guitar & Led Zeppelin calms them.

Too funny! 😁

Here's Rocky,
Old stink eye,
Love that dude,
Despite his attitude! 😆

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