I just rescued 40 chickens from certain death... Graphic details.

Wow Im glad you got the bird's and took them in.Hopefully you can re-home them if you can't keep them.Apparently this family is in dire need of some kind of help.It really is happening to many familie's right now losing their home's living in car's and trying to hold on to pet's they have had for year's.Social Service and food stamps and rental assistance is gotten so bad now it's hard for anyone to get anything.We live near Interstate and have panhandler's off Bus etc. everday here.I hate to say some are repeat people. But this one young boy he had this HUGE lab he said he was on way west lalala long story, we actualy went to Walmart all the way back to town got him some dog food and a travel water pouch for his dog and gave him $20 for food.People can help themselves usualy but animal's and children are dependant on on US.I never saw that young man again hope he got where he was going and took good care of his dog.He took our name and number he said he would never forget the people that helped him.I think a lot of Us is going to hear more storie's like this and it's sad .Hope the bird's will be ok and hopefully that family too.Yea the baby need's a decent shelter, clean water to bathe in, to to be cool or warm, clean clothe's and food.That is U.S.Standard Gov. Rule's.I guess maybe I should have posted in random rambling's. Gaaaaaaaaa.TY God Bless for taking the birdie's in
People like you and your good neighbors is whats keeping this country together. I have to say THANK YOU to YOU and your NEIGHBORS!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what it felt like to them to take a hot shower, clean clothes for the night, and food in THEIR bellies not just the babies tonight. Sure the artesian well was helpful, but it wasn't as comfy as a warm shower.

Most of the people out here are family, in fact my entire road is related to someone else some how. Same with the across the highway group. I'm surrounded by helpful people. When I broke my back in 08 they helped me out, and now are helping out another family. I just wasn't allowed in a vehicle and to lift things, be up for very long... Those things.

I love my neighbors, they took me in to their giant family when I moved in. The family in need are finally getting help. I will post updates on them as time goes by. I'll even post pictures once we get the travel trailer moved in for them, if they're still doing it that is. It seems end of the road neighbors took them under their wings. The wife is a busy body so I'm sure she will enjoy being able to gossip she's helping neighbors from accross the road.

I just did one last round andhead count, total is 13 adults and 25 chicks. They're all sleeping soundly, and I hope the needy family finally gets that good nights rest/sleeing as well as their chickens.

I feel bad now for ever fussing about dinner being late, after witnessing what I saw today, I know that there's worse places to be.

Edited because I'm exhausted and can't spell.
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If CPS comes out, they are probably going to take the child, because they are virtually homeless.

What's happened to this family is happening to A LOT of people all over the U.S. People are more focused on having stuff, new cars, fancy homes, and the newest gadget more than they are on having skills and knowledge to fend for themselves in a personal economic or a National Economic crisis.

We should be teaching people life skills. Make them put down that electronic game, shut off the t.v. and teach them how to plant a garden, to work for something. Teach them how to cook, how to forage for wild growing edible plants.

Teach them how to hunt - to skin a deer, rabbit, squirrel, or whatever else you may hunt. Or how to skin a chicken, and even though you love those chickens and they make wonderful pets, they are also a valuable food source - and could have fed that family without them having to sell their trailer.

Teach them how to preserve and put up that fresh garden produce that grew from the garden they just learned to plant.

Teach them how to sew, to quilt, etc. Old clothes can be recycled into beautiful quilts instead of throwing them away.

It is time that we, The Americans of the United States, took personal responsibility for ourselves and our communities. Stop being wasteful, stop putting animals before people, stop ignoring those less fortunate than us in our own country.

We may not be a third world country, but families like this one described sure tell a different story. If we're not a third world country, we're on our way to being one.

I'm glad people are stepping up to help this family, but I bet if everyone looked hard enough there's a lot more out there just like them.
Quail_Antwerp I SO agree with you completely. If something horrid were to happen and all of a sudden there were no more running water or electricity, only a VERY few Americans would be able to make it on their own.
Yes, couldn't of said it better myself. I've eaten raccoon, possum, squirrel, groundhog along with wild forage. 50# each of beans, flour, rice, etc. combined with what can be gathered can keep a small family going for a long time. By the way, living in a Tepee or Yurt is not to be looked down on while trying to get yourself organized. I have often wondered what happened to the lessons learned during the Great Depression, not to mention the pioneering days. My Grandmother traveled to Oregon on a Wagon Train when she was 9 years old. Oh..... the stories she told----I listened.
Welcome to the New America, where you don't actually own your land. You have use of it, by the good graces of the govt....That is, if you fall in line with their agenda. Otherwise, you'll be wandering the highways and biways, hoping for a morsel.

These people probably avoided govt. assistance, because they knew that they would be scrutinized, and have to jump through a thousand hoops, just to keep the child with them.

As someone said, above, you'd better sharpen up, on your survival skills: hunting, fishing, raising meat and planting a serious garden, and preserving or sharing the abundance.

On the other hand, why would they have all of these chickens in cages, and not let them freerange and fend for themselves? There's some kind of disconnect here, which isn't being seen.

When it's all said and done, I see a potential episode, to a reality show.
I agree something doesn't sound right. But maybe they said they sold it to buy food, but possibly got repossessed maybe?? And if they had all those dead chickens why and how long? I feel sorry for them and glad they are getting help, but I think the whole story is yet to be learned.

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