I just rescued 40 chickens from certain death... Graphic details.

I have heard no updates on the family, and haventseen anyone home. I'm not sure what's going on but if I run into them soon I will ask about it.
I do have some on the chickens though. All the adults had major lice, not mites but lice. The white silkie has them BAD. I was checking them today and treating the D'uccles for scaley leg mites. When I pushed some feathers aside for silkie large adult white lice went everywhere. I was horrified. The buff silkie had mites, but not the lice. So everyone (including chicks) were dusted today.

Just because, I went ahead and dusted my original flock as well.

Now, what I do know about the family from asking around...

Mom can't walk because she broke her back and has a pinched disk. She can't physically bend over, either, and isn't allowed to lift certain weights. Dad is a recovering addict, and by gossip they think his scrap money is doing more to feed his addiction than his child. The crops went bad (I learned this at the feed store) because she couldn't get out there to treat them and the bugs got to them. Between that and the lack of being watered, the lone surviving plants never flowered. The ones that did had rotten veggies.

Now, what of this is the truth I'm unsure of until I talk to them personally. I did see the trailer that is being loaned to them, and its a nice little travel trailer. Just enough for them for now. I'm trying to get ahold of the up the road neighbors, but no ones answering the door or phone. I'm a little concerned. Updates to come if I find any.
Hey Miss Red !

Do you have any updates on the neighbors? How are the chickens doing that you rescued? I just found your post, and was wondering.
It's no longer super hot, but super cold these days.

Also, where abouts in East Texas are you?

Just wanting to be nosey......


I don't understand, why they didn't sold the chickens instead of keeping them starving??!!! even if they would sell them for 1 dollar a piece would still of be a better choice than what they CHOOSE to do


There is ALWAYS something reasonable and decent that can be done in situations like this, SPECIALY HERE IN AMERICA, and there is no excuse for their behavior, it is ignorance and lack of care for hopeless animals.
I do hope Social Services will take that child away from such parents.
You did very well for getting involved
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To everyone who has been wondering how the birds (and people) are doing...

Well I'm up to my ears in chicks! All of the hens that weree rescued went broody around the same time, including the little Silkie cross girls. Everyone is doing well and I'm making one more effort to find a home for the handsome red silkie cross roo. He's a gentleman and will sit on a nest when his girls are gone. His favorite hen is broody right now and he sits with her for most of the day. Would make a handsom banntam roo for anyone looking.

no updates on the family, haven't heard from them. Pictures soon! Right now I'm feeding everyone so I'm sorry for the short message.

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