I may have a rooster


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
I am new to chickens, but I think one of my girls may be a boy. My flock are all a little over 4 months old. He/She is pure black, so it's hard to look for special feathers, but has a little larger and redder comb and wattle. They also are a little more aggressive lately, darn thing bit me good the other day. I am in the city and will need to evict it if it is a rooster. It might be too soon to tell, but I am looking for advice. I plan to go home today and look for spurs, but they may be too young. No crowing yet.

If you have a picture, there is a section here that is called "What breed/gender is this" with many people willing to help you find out
Girls will have spur nubs also... it's not until after hitting sexual maturity that the cockerel's nubs will start to grow into actual spurs. Try holding a piece of white paper underneath a few feathers on the neck and saddle area to help you figure out if they are pointed or rounded.
At 16 weeks + the comb and wattles of a pullet will also become more pronounced. A picture is needed to help with gender determination.
At four months your flock is starting to hit maturity, they'll all get larger, redder combs and wattles, someone's gotta go first! You can usually tell the hackle or saddle feathers easily even on a solid black bird. Spur nubs won't really help at this point. I'm thinking you have a maturing hen, but post a pic and we can tell you for sure.
Sorry about no pictures. My camera does not do well in the dark and it is always dark before and after work for me so getting pictures is tough. But I think donrae is right, and she is first for maturing. I also looked up black australorps online, and she looks exactly like a female should. So, I am probably being a worry wart.

Little one, what is it you were saying about pointed versus round feathers? I have not heard that one for sex determination.

Thanks all, love this forum!

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