I may have cancer

I'm so sorry you're in pain and going through this kind of anxiety. It's never easy and I've been through it so many times with these different cancers. Your doctor can call in a script for a temporary mild anti-anxiety med so that you can get some rest at night and maybe feel like eating somewhat regularly...you need to keep yourself nourished
, plus it's easier on the stomach if taking pain meds. I know it's difficult to eat when under anxiety and pain. If it's pain meds that are hurting your stomach (and eating toast or something before taking them does not ease it) you could ask your doc to switch the pain meds to Dilaudid which is usually much easier on the stomach for almost everybody, and my docs say to take a Pepcid AC first thing before taking any meds, and taking some colace, both are over the counter...maybe you could ask about those. If the pain really gets worse I would go back to the ER. I know the waiting is tough. You will be in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear you may have the illness. I was diagnosed with stage 2 throat cancer 3 years ago at the age of 35. It took several weeks to figure out what it was but after it was biopsied my treatment started within 5 days. and lasted for 8 weeks. I had a combo of radiation and chemo. I have been cancer free since treatments ended.
When I found out i may have had it I lost sleep, worried myself to the point of high blood pressure and ulcers and would have went under the knife that very moment I was diagnosed just to get it out of me.
Treatments have come along way. I cant tell you not to stress over it, I can tell you treatments have come along way and we are all praying for you, who knows it may just be a false alarm. Either way keep us posted, I know theres more on here that have been through similar and are willing to give positive insight and support.
This news is very distressing to learn and the days will feel like weeks until you have more information.

Growths can be a number of different things. I had a 5 cm tumor in my neck, HUGE, and it turned out to be benign. Take is step by step, talk to your minister if you have one, or a best friend. Just talking about it can relieve much of the anxiety. Of course you can talk here , too.

My prayers are with you.
Today I went to the ER for some pain & got a CT scan and it shows a 3 cm growth on my left kidney. Well I see some special Dr. on the 15th to find out for sure . I don't know what to,expect and my mind is making me nervous as heck. can't eat or anything any advice would be of great help to me.

Not knowing is the hardest part of this. while you wait for your appointment with the doctor, use whatever works for you to stay calm and positive. Perhaps you pray or meditate or use relaxation exercises.

Once the doctor is able to narrow down the possibilities you will probably feel better because you can start to think ahead. The right doctors are very good at explaining in the right way what you need to know. If treatment is needed, follow the doctor's advice closely and continue to be patient. You would find that there are plenty of going on to occupy your thoughts so this period of idle mental time full of worry would pass.

If you can't eat at the moment, keep up your intake with fruit juices and electrolyte. Gatorade is a tastier alternative to electrolyte drinks.

You may want to limit the number of people you speak to about this for the time being. You are anxious and it may not help to have people asking questions you can't yet answer. Neither is some of the anecdotal stuff and amateur advice you may be offered always positive.

I wish you the best possible outcome to the CT scan.
My son, 9 at the time seen every aspect of my treatment, he got to see his 220 pound hero fireman dad lose 40 pounds in 12 weeks and then work like hell to out it back on over 2 years. It took its toll on my family mainly my son and wife but your strength will be in your family. I could not have made it without them. I will tell you I fell into a bottle of Jack Daniels the night I found out, then buckled down and got on with treatment. What ever the diagnosis this will have a lasting affect on your outlook in life, I tend to enjoy the small things more. please keep us posted.
Have hope, it may not be cancer, it may be a water filled benign cyst, a lot of people have those on their kidneys

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