I may have cancer

Prayers being said. Not all tumors are cancer. We are here for you.
If it is cancer listen to this advice!!!!

Essiac Tea capsules

Look it up!!!! it's natural and it does work!!!!!!!!!!!! take them with any treatment you have and never stop taking them!!!!!

I'll pray it's not cancer
It is cancer they can't operate until my diverticulitis is gone in two or three months. I'll be worrying like crazy till then.
We will be praying for you. My advice is to head over to the cancer support thread. Some great people on there who will keep you up and fighting. They will tell you attitude is everything. Very sorry for the result but I pray you will get the peace and calm to focus on this fight.
Dadsdeercamp, I know it's a shock and getting the diagnosis turns our world upside down. You will remain in my prayers. I had to wait for treatment of a 2nd different cancer for several months until the treatment for the 1st cancer was done and I was recovered enough. I understand the waiting anxiety. Each day that you recover from the Div will be one day closer to the operation that will cure you. My thoughts are with you.
Dadsdeercamp, that's not the news we wanted. Of course you will be worrying like crazy, that's natural, but please do all you can to look after yourself.

Get all the support you can. Your family and friends of course, and find some support groups, people to talk to that have been through what you are going through, who have advice on coping with this big shock.

Work at being as healthy as you can, healthy diet, sensible amount of exercise for you (your diverticulitis may effect this) and a mental attitude to help you fight.

This cancer has been diagnosed with you, and everyone is on your side and wants to help you win, it hasn't got a chance.
Sending my prayers along with the many already going out for you. Your diagnosis is certainly life-changing, but change is often for the better, in ways we never expect. Don't lose heart. God will bless you and keep you in His care.
Dadsdeercamp, I'm sorry that the news is what it is and my thoughts are with you.

While you wait, follow the doctor's advice and ignore any flaky suggestions that may come your way. Also, avoid worrying about things you can do nothing about and concentrate on making the best of each day. You will find that the enforced waiting period helps you to adjust to whatever may come. Give quality time to yourself and those dearest to you.

I wish you the best possible outcome and peace of mind in the meantime.
Two of my sons are spending some here with me one i haven't seen in three years I am much more positive about it knowing I have the support of my family and friends.

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