I may have cancer

Get your butt to the doctor.

I get the whole wanting to be in denial and pretend it is all ok all to well. They caught it pretty early in you- and it's treatable. So if you have the resources to fight it... get yourself together and do so. Waiting and ignoring it is dangerous. At least go in and find out how it is doing. It's treatable now.. don't wait until it moves elsewhere and reduces your chances.

The Gerson diet does help... but the proper juicer to do it is several grand. However- there are a lot of diet aspects to it w/out the juicing that also help. My sister's pancreatic cancer was inoperable when they finally found it- and insanely aggressive. When she found out- they told her point blank there was no hope and she has no chance- get your arrangements done asap. The Gerson diet is intensive- we helped her with it- and it did buy her several more months than they predicted. If they would have looked when she specifically asked them to 2 years prior- she would no doubt be here today.

Wasting time avoiding the doctor... you are taking a gamble with bad odds. At least go in and keep tabs on it.
I have chickened out on two Dr. appts. again. tried talking to my 15 year old daughter and all she said is ”oh well” I'm afraid of hearing the truth from my Dr..I want to just pretend I'm fine.
Love your 15 year old but don't lean on her for strength too much. Find your strength from within. It is there. You are strong and able.

Don't wait too long to go to the doctor as everyone says!
Went to the Dr today all looks good have an appt. With the surgeon on the 14th. To discuss options

That's the best thing you could do for yourself and your family. *hugs* Please keep those appointments. Every moment is critical when dealing with cancer.

My hubby was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in some of his lymph nodes (long story about how it got there ...). Thankfully they caught this very early, but he's still already had a couple surgeries in the last two months, and starts chemo and radiation in about a week. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. We're pumping up his immune system with juicing and a couple other supplements, and I'm able to help him relax with reiki and hot stone massage. According to his oncologist, just those home-y fixes will help him immensely when it comes to getting through this.

You are not alone.

You can beat it. Stay focused on what's most important to you, and fight this.
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