I may have cancer

Please help I've been very sick this last week and I still have not told anyone outside this forum about the growth on my kidney and havr been skipping DR.appt because I'm a chicken my self and I need some help getting up the courage to go see my Dr. I don't want to be such a chicken but I am,scared
Delay will only make matters worse.

It must be very difficult dealing with your problem entirely alone. Is it time to confide in someone you can trust? It's amazing what help and support you can get if you just do that.

I wish you well, as ever.
Scott it's not easy to face your demons and the truth is that you are probably more frightened by how your illness will impact those around you. During my illness I felt as though I had been condemned to a dessert island. I felt almost as though I could not reach out, but I did and thank god I did. It is only the truth or prognosis that you are scared of, once you have dealt with that you can let your loved ones in. Don't hold them at arms length, let them in , let them comfort you in your hour of need.
Scott, you have every right and reason to be scared, but you must work with your doctors. They are not the enemy - work with them. Thinking of you.
Please do not underestimate the power of love and prayers. God did not intend for us to go it alone. We all need help just to live, don't hurt your friends and family by leaving them out
I don't want to lecture you I just want you to get the help God has put here for you. It may not be the person you think it should be but God will have who you need when you need
you just have to reach out. still praying Mary
Not one of my kids can find the time to come over and talk about it so I will not bother them with my problems. I am going to make an appt. To see my dr. in the morning I have the support of all you good folks here on BYC. So I think I'll be ok. Thank you all for the prayers and the hope you have given me.

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