I may have cancer

Seen my dr. yesterday and the growth shrunk to 1 cm from 6 cm been feeling good except the ankle I keep hurting it
I am so glad to hear this news!

Here's hoping your ankle gets better soon.
Just ran across this thread - I will be praying for you! So glad it has shrunk! Whoot! I work in a urologists office and I think I tear up from good news just as much as the patients! Just remember to keep your faith - as soon as you think He doesn't have a hand in it, He shows you that He does! AND STAY OFF THAT ANKLE!!! :D
Hey Scott sorry about ur ankle i hope its getting stronger. ... Scott do u know y my girl daisy is not laying anymore and just lays on my other girl Olivia's egg as long as she can? i know ur clued up on all this stuff so just thought id ask :( only getting 1 egg a day now and poor little Olivia is wondering around alone all day while daisy sits on her bum
Hi scott you were right so i got 7fert eggs. the first buby hatched and the bird breeder (18yrs old) said it was fine to touch even hold the baby... daisy attacked it and has now rejected it continuing to lay on the other6. im hand raising Tash now (called her that cos her mum isnt aTashed to her)) sorry bad humour!! but it will help me remember her name... anyway is it my fault for handling her baby too early or does she just know its not hers? OR could feel the otgrrs r threatened by tash. my hearts breaking for the bub. i paid $90 for a microwavable heatpad that stays warm for 12 hours... i thort it said $9.00 &put it on my creditcard with feed straw cat and dog food so didnt question the price. it was the best mistake i made tho cos Tash sleeps all night on it in a box by my bed. so angry with my fav bird Daisyi even flicked her besk several times after i saw her attack Tash. shes a Huge bird! im new at this & so confused. im a cronic nerve pain sufferer too so need to get them all settled somehow. Olivia is my 2nd bird a lavender araocarna? hmmm anyway sweet petite and lonley. dont know wat to do..
It sounds like you are doing ok let me know if anymore eggs hatch. My broody hen just hatched 9 out of 10 and I had to take 7 away she only wants the lill yellow ones. Let me know if I can help in any way ;)

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