I may have cancer

I wish you the best of luck, Scott. If they is a god, he wouldn't take a single dad away from FIVE children.
I will keep you in my thoughts and hope you the best. Just remember, back in 'the olden days', if you got cancer, it was pretty much 'yeah so you have 2 months to live... Make the best out of it!'
So many more alternatives then there used to be... Your odds are so much higher and likely to survive, and I will wish you the absolute best!!
Hello, just ran across this thread. Sure will be praying for you, your family, and all upcoming decisions to be made. We believe in the God of miracles! One of our favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11-12. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you." Be encouraged!
Scott: I'm sorry that cancer came back on your kidney. My Dad had his kidney cancer detected early 3 years ago and they did a partial removal and knock on wood he's been cancer free ever since. He goes to the Minneapolis VA for his check ups but they work close with and use young doctors from the University of MN. Can't say enough about what they've done for him. Get that stuff out of you with a surgery...then ask about the new drugs they've been studying that stop blood supply to metastasizing cells that can grow new tumors. They call it a form of "chemo" because it is a chemical but it's pretty specific in what it does and is not as harsh on the body. I agree with some of the others on not following up with radiation. One thing also I believe in is a natural approach with a boatload of Vitamin C. You might even ask if your doctors will do this IV Vitamin C for you. It's nature's healer (on a cellular level). My two cents here only of course. get a piece of paper and write somethings down or do some google searches, ask questions. Cooperate with your Doctor of course, but also give him lots of questions...too, and push the ballot if you need to on some choices you want to make for yourself. Prayers and Hugs to you Scott. Your chooks need you so keep truckin' on.
Hey Scott, I had 6 months of chemo awhile back. Made me feel like absolute crap but it was worth it . That was 5 years ago and if I fell off my perch tomorrow , I've had an extra 5 years with my children that I might not have had without the chemo. Keep your chin up mate.
Keep on top of it Scott,stay positive. I know that's hard to do when you feel like crap.
. Lisa
I heard if you have disease and if you worry to much about it will kill sooner just cause stress, try to forget about it and take yourself. Don't listen to doctor propaganda there're trying to scare you and get you on meds so they make money.
Hope you have a good day today Scott, and feel good. Saying prayers for you. Think healing thoughts and enjoy those chickens.

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