I may have cancer

Scott, was looking at your avatar to see if I could identify your rooster, saw the picture of the little girl. Is she one of your 5? She is just darling. When you feel strange remember that at least you are feeling. I keep you & your family in my thoughts
I broke my ankle 7 weeks ago, all I can say is listen to your doc. Lay up and start ordering your kids around.
broke my ankle last night boy that hurts
Oh, gee, you really needed that, didn't you?

I've been following this thread, even though I hadn't posted on it (come on now, Bunny, use your words, don't just point and click
). I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear that you are facing surgery again; hopefully, this time they will get it all and that'll be the end of it. Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Do not count your chickens (or ducks) before they hatch. Good advice when you are guessing at a diagnosis. I would suggest that you not let your mind play games with you - not until you actually see someone that can translate a scan, blood work, patient history, and further tests and then give you a definitive diagnosis. In the past 19 years, I have had 3 different cancers and have "lived" a good life - one now that includes ducks!! If you can take a deep breath and wait until your learn more, your head will be in a better place. False diagnosis are common and a small growth could be any number of different things including a benign cyst found as a result of your pain. The pain could be totally unrelated to the scan findings. Just be patient and wait until you have all the facts.
Seen my dr. yesterday and the growth shrunk to 1 cm from 6 cm been feeling good except the ankle I keep hurting it

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