I need some advice regarding a neighbor's dog

THIS! I couldn't believe it took 3 pages until I saw this. Our town has 176 population- we have no police, no city councilmen, no animal control...etc You talk to the county if there is a problem - but most likely this is not a problem they will deal with.

OP- how secure are your chickens? They don't sound like they are very secure if this dog can keep getting at them. Maybe you need to rethink the way you are raising them? I know it doesn't seem fair- but it is not fair that the neighbor can't let her dog outside.

You are absolutely correct about the law enforcement structure of our town.
However, regarding your last comment.... are you serious?! How is it not fair that I expect the neighbor to keep her dog off my propery, 1/4 mile down the road? She can let her dog out. The neighbor can build a fence. The neighbor can train her dog to stay on her acreage. I keep my dogs, horses, and chickens on my property. I simply expect her to do the same, and that is in no way preventing her from letting her dog outside.​
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I'm afraid we're going to be having more problems like this. With the increase in coyotes, mountain lions, bears, etc. more people will be getting LGDs for protection; and because of their beauty and sweet personalities, more people are getting them for pets. And a certain percentage of these people, unfortunately, will dump them when they get inconvenient.

But of course they're huge animals, and hard to contain or keep out - Great Pyrenees are known for climbing fences, digging under them (they dig like moles!), walking on top of snow drifts, etc. They were bred as independent guardians, so they aren't necessarily people-pleasers. And if they're working dogs, they aren't socialized much with people. (Also, they're smart - someone on the Great Pyr forum just posted that her dogs had opened the latch on the gate and escaped.) Of the other big white guardian breeds, I believe it's the Kuvasz that tends to exterminate other dogs in the region. So a hungry, abandoned LGD would be very difficult to keep out of a chicken run.

And we also know of people in our area who have imported some sort of mastiff for hunting. They weigh 200 pounds and are used for nighttime hog-hunting. The dog grabs the wild hog by the leg, while the hunter comes up and kills the hog with a knife. If one of those dogs decides he wants a chicken, he's going to get a chicken! You would have to bear-proof a run to keep him out.
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One tactic is to let this dog owner (and any others in the immediate area) that your property is infested with rats and you've been advised by the exterminators to place a large amount of poison out, here and there, and you'd hate it if their dog(s) didn't come home.

Another method and, in your situation, probably the most reliable in removing this bozo's proxy agent of trespass/destruction/death is to call the Sheriff and tell him/her that the dog tried to attack YOU (`I got between the dog and the chickens and it growled and tried to bite me!').
Pretty easy to get the authorities to remove a dog that behaves viciously towards humans (take some pictures of the dog while it is on your property - no witness to attempted `attack', but no denying it was at your place and could've done it).

Some members may object to gilding the lilly in order to solve such a problem, however, a owner's dog on another person's property is, indeed, nothing but the owner's `arm' stuck up one's dress/down one's trousers/in one's wallet/purse (so to speak); fortunately, we can simply cut off the offending appendage. Those who do not have that option should consider any other means necessary as being legitimate responses.

Depriving one of the right to use and enjoy one's property as one see's fit?

A loose dog is road kill waiting to happen (just an FYI).

Good luck!
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Good to hear someone lived out of city limits to deal with the dog. It is a shame people let their dogs become problems. It doesn't sound like your neighbor has enough sense to be responsible and I would forget about any justice in this case. She has other problems most likely, and you don't want to get involved in that. Just be glad the dog is gone. I was going to suggest you take the dog for a long drive to the outer city limits, along with a gun! What a crappy thing to have to even consider.... people should just be responsible for their pets or don't own one!
Bottom line is stupid people shouldn't own dogs

I do feel sorry for the dogs who are dumped or neglected by their owners.. and who end up getting themselves killed because of an irresponsible owner..
The dogs are just being dogs.. shame you can't shoot their owners!

Sorry this had to happen to your birds..
I still say we should have a legal hunting season for stupid dog owners though...

One of my neighbors has several dogs who came over a few years ago and killed a bunch of my birds.. saw the dogs in the act.. chased them (one still had one of my ducks in his mouth) all the way back home.. their children laughed and told me how one of their dogs had killed a deer.. the parent's just shrugged and blew it off.. until I told them my husband said he would shoot the dogs if they came back.. right after that they put up an invisible fence and we haven't had any more problems with their dogs.. but living out in the country we get drop offs.. had a dog out here the other week that killed two of my birds.. he was skinny and ran off with one of them.. haven't seen him since so I don't know if my other neighbor's donkey got him or if he got shot..
Personally I would like to find the SOB that dropped him off.. starve them and then shoot them... but that's highly frowned upon in polite society!
i agree, you have received a lot of good advice. I hope that everything works out. I did a little research after I read your post and found an Outdoor Wireless Solar Security Motion Alarm Detector. It detects motion and has an audible alarm. Perhaps you can install something like this and it will give a heads up to you and your neighbors when there is a dog at large. And if you neighbors call the police and the pd come to you about the noise, just say what it was from and "bam" another police report is tagged against your neighbor and your problem.
Our town has 176 population- we have no police, no city councilmen, no animal control

Then you have a "community".

A "town" has a legal definition which usualy implies they have their own Govt

Obviously the OP's "town" is large enough to have ordinances of their own, and those officials can grant exemptions​
Amy please read the sticky for this forum...at the top of the predators and pests page, also, please listen to this important statement...

That "poor" dog has left the realm of pet and flown into the realm of predator. Make no mistake this repeat offender is a predator. It is the dog owner who is responsible for training the dog they own not the chicken owner. Dogs CAN be trained to stay home or confined to do so and to leave livestock alone.

If you cannot handle folks talking about killing predators, you really should avoid this section. Most of us will, do and have killed predators...some of them dogs.

done and noted...i understand it is the dog owner's fault - this is why i made the statement that it's too bad something can't be done about her instead...​

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