I never expected this!

I'm voting on OEG with Arklady...

As far as the sneezing and gurgling (specifically the gurgling)... that could very well be Coryza... if you don't see big improvement within a day or so, put him on Sulmet which you should be able to find at the feed store. Also, there is an oily stuff with camphor in called Vet Rx that is great for respiratory problems. You put it on his comb, under his wings and a bit on his nose... some people even put a few drops in their water because it floats and gets on their beak when they drink. I had a friend with a nasty outbreak of Coryza recently and diligence with the Sulmet and the Vet Rx cleared it up.

Edit to add... he is darling! Lucky boy!
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Thanks so much for the advice guys! We put some vinegar in his water and already he's sounding less gurgly, and I've heard no sneezes since. I think OEGB makes the most sense! Right now he's clucking quietly in my lap. He's a very sweet guy, and this coming from someone who is not so fond of roosters!
I also agree with Arklady & Quiltymare....Old English Game Bantam, BB Red variety. That is Black Breasted Red for any newbies that didn't know what the BB stands for.

I also agree with the age guess of 1 1/2 to 2 yrs. old. Probably closer to 2. He has a well developed comb & wattles. His spurs just look to be about right for that age.

If you don't find his owner, are you going to keep him?

I have had some OEGB roosters that were very friendly & liked to ride on anybodys shoulder & talk up a storm right in your ear.

Listen to his breathing at night while he is sleeping or resting. If he still is kinda raspy, get the Vet Rx & the Sulmet that was suggested earlier. Make sure he is out of drafts & kept in dry housing during the night.
Both will have directions for giving to chickens.

I hope you get to keep him.

By his actions (getting caught, sitting on your hand), I'd say he's a pet. You might want to put some notices up "rooster found" and see if he gets claimed.
What a find!
Glad to hear he is feeling better. You didn't miss that the apple cider vinegar needs to be organic right?
Its the one with the 'mother' or sediment, otherwise it is not of much use.
I think the general rule of thumb is after you advertise finding him, if no one claims him in 30 days he's yours to keep.
He sure is tiny!!
But handsome!!
I'm a newby--so let me know--are all banties that tiny or just certain breeds? If so I want one! He is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I laughed at the chicken diapers, but now I know why people would want one.
It certainly is! It's so high pitched!

I would in a heartbeat (I'm already attached!) but my friends with a farm are going to take him. It's chicken heaven over there!

He's definitely not a pet. He tries as hard as he can to get away from us (it was quite a workout chasing him down the first time) and he won't eat out of our hands. It took a lot of petting to get him to sit in my lap. In this neighborhood, it would make a lot of sense if he were being raised for cockfighting, which is why we're very hesitant to put up flyers.

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