I quit smoking

That is what I used peppermints to take care of. Actually it was the hard white lifesavers...
The last time I tried to quit was about 3 years ago. I used jolly ranchers....I sucked sooooo many of those that I gave myself a sore on the roof of my mouth!!! To this day I can not think of jolly ranchers without cringing!!! I have noticed in the last 2 days that I will get a really bad taste in my mouth, just out of the blue..haven't ate or drank anything. I picked up some mentos today, gonna try those as they dont last as long and are softer.
Your taste buds are working again!!!!

COnsider adding vegies into your mouth as you feel the need to eat more food-- my aunt said she gained a lot of weight when she quit. She quit cigaretts and picked up food instead. Try low carb vegies: zukini with ranch dressing, or carrot sticks in hummus.

YOu are doing great!!
The last time I tried to quit was about 3 years ago. I used jolly ranchers....I sucked sooooo many of those that I gave myself a sore on the roof of my mouth!!! To this day I can not think of jolly ranchers without cringing!!! I have noticed in the last 2 days that I will get a really bad taste in my mouth, just out of the blue..haven't ate or drank anything. I picked up some mentos today, gonna try those as they dont last as long and are softer.

I think my brother had the big jars of twizlers...
Good for you....I quit on Monday...just gave my cigarettes away and quit cold Turkey...
I smoked since I was 18....and I'm 40 now.
You'll do great..bur one bit of advice is never ever smoke again...you'll get hooked just like that
Good for you....I quit on Monday...just gave my cigarettes away and quit cold Turkey...
I smoked since I was 18....and I'm 40 now.
You'll do great..bur one bit of advice is never ever smoke again...you'll get hooked just like that
Thats AWESOME! We can lean on each other when needed!!! How are you holdin up?
Your taste buds are working again!!!!

COnsider adding vegies into your mouth as you feel the need to eat more food-- my aunt said she gained a lot of weight when she quit. She quit cigaretts and picked up food instead. Try low carb vegies: zukini with ranch dressing, or carrot sticks in hummus.

YOu are doing great!!
thanks!! Right now celery with peanut butter is my fav!
Good for you....I quit on Monday...just gave my cigarettes away and quit cold Turkey...
I smoked since I was 18....and I'm 40 now.
You'll do great..bur one bit of advice is never ever smoke again...you'll get hooked just like that

Funny how one day it all clickes and you're done with it. Having been the dieting with food route, have a game plan for when cravings start. We all do better with a support group and substitutions.

I don't smoke for a couple reasons-- so I dodged that bullet.
Thats AWESOME! We can lean on each other when needed!!! How are you holdin up?
I'm doing just fine...no cravings yet...a lot of the addiction is psychological.
I realized the smell of it was making my kids sick...even though I didn't smoke anywhere around...the smell stops them all up...so for me the cigs gotta go....but I'm doing wonderful ...and I'm proud of you too
I quit two years ago. The hard part was, OH hell it was all hard. I was addicted to the habit not the nicotine. Sometimes I have dreams about smoking and wake up mad at myself for smoking again. LOL

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