I quit smoking

I agree, It is a bummer to have a pet die, on the other hand we don't want them to suffer either. The line between knowing when a bit of suffering will give them more life, or when a bit of suffering will just give them more suffering is SO difficult to determine.
I wish I had a fortune teller for those times.
Every time we have an animal put down I wonder why nothing manages to die in their sleep around here.

I am glad that you are still smoke free. One day it will be memory and you will know it is all over. You did it. You won. we will throw you a thread party.
Keep up the good work!
Oh, I'm sorry about your goat! It's heartbreaking when a pet dies.

I'm in MI, also. And the ice storm was brutal!! We're still iced over and got 4 in of snow last night. We kept our power but lost Charter, so no landline, TV or computer.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Family came over and had lots of good food and fun.
Oh, I'm sorry about your goat! It's heartbreaking when a pet dies.

I'm in MI, also. And the ice storm was brutal!! We're still iced over and got 4 in of snow last night. We kept our power but lost Charter, so no landline, TV or computer.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Family came over and had lots of good food and fun.
Thank you for your condolences!
It has been snowing so much for us! We got 14 inches just on the 23rd alone! My son and I had to shovel the roof yesterday, yuck, I hate having to do that!!! We are running out of places to put the snow! Makes me wonder what Jan. Feb and March are gonna be like!!
You got about 10 inches more than we did! That's a lot of snow!! Maybe since winter came so early and hard, it will leave early and fast! Can only hope! lol Be careful out there!
You got about 10 inches more than we did! That's a lot of snow!! Maybe since winter came so early and hard, it will leave early and fast! Can only hope! lol Be careful out there!
Thats what Im hoping for also! Yesterday was beautiful! Got up into the 40's. The sound of melting snow was music to my ears!
Had to watch out for the falling icicles tho! Chickens got out of the run and were able to sit in the sun with the garage door open! They were so happy!
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I hope all of you had a great New Year celebration!
I sure did! And MSU won the Rose Bowl?! Yippee!!!!
This was the first New Year smoke free for me in 30 plus years! The whole idea of it hit me today and its staggering, but in a good way!
YAY! That is fantastic news! You have done well, and I am proud of you! No one had to lock you in a room or anything!

Happy, healthy, lucrative, smoke free new year!

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