I quit smoking

You made it through the holiday stress unscathed.
I quit after twenty years and many attempts. One year, three months and seventeen days later I'm fluffier than I use to be but feeling great! When I get an urge (I still dream about smoking) I remind myself I wouldn't want to relive those first months again. I do occasionally stand real close to a friend who is smoking and breath deeply. I have found myself thinking how nice it is NOT to have to go out for a smoke at thirty below. Every day with out is a success!
Stay strong!
I just noticed this thread. I quit too. It will be 2 years March 1st. I did it with Chantix which I took for 3 full months. Only 1/2 pill the last month but it made all the difference. I remember my friend who quit with me and I had a horrible craving again in May and then 6 months later again and then this fall. But it gets fainter every time. I like to say quitting smoking freed me from slavery. I don't think about when's my next butt and how can I fit it in. Keep it uo. You can do it.
Congratulation to all quitters ( sounds bad) or x-smokers (better). Over 3 years here with out the smoke. I still get a urge, not bad, I just remind myself of the cost $12 - $15 a pack, 7 packs a week...........

Enjoy the day

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