I quit smoking

Keep going Tracy! It will be 2 years for me in March. I feel blessed to call myself a nonsmoker. The smell of cig smoke on other people makes me gag now. The only regret I have is I didnt do it sooner. Some day soon it will scream at you again. Probably the last of the nicotine leaving your body. Just tell it to shut up and go away. It will! Never give up!!!
I applaud you LOUDLY ! Yea ! Hang in there ! You will be SO glad you did ! Once you quit NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER pick up another cigarette. I quit for 7 yr. had 0 desire to smoke, was out with friends, one of whom was smoking my old brand. "Let me have one of those." Now 13 years later I am trying to quit again. It's a b ____! Started buying the brand that is pure tobacco. Very expensive ! If I quit I would have enough money TO BUY A NEW TRACTOR. Have signed up with a web site ~ BECOME AN EX.~ helps with support. I will pray for you ~ please do the same for me. Keep on Keepin On !
Keep going Tracy! It will be 2 years for me in March. I feel blessed to call myself a nonsmoker. The smell of cig smoke on other people makes me gag now. The only regret I have is I didnt do it sooner. Some day soon it will scream at you again. Probably the last of the nicotine leaving your body. Just tell it to shut up and go away. It will! Never give up!!!
Thank you! I know what you mean about the smell of smoke on other people!! I always knew it smelt bad...but now...wow!!!! YUCK!! It upsets my stomach!
I applaud you LOUDLY ! Yea ! Hang in there ! You will be SO glad you did ! Once you quit NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER pick up another cigarette. I quit for 7 yr. had 0 desire to smoke, was out with friends, one of whom was smoking my old brand. "Let me have one of those." Now 13 years later I am trying to quit again. It's a b ____! Started buying the brand that is pure tobacco. Very expensive ! If I quit I would have enough money TO BUY A NEW TRACTOR. Have signed up with a web site ~ BECOME AN EX.~ helps with support. I will pray for you ~ please do the same for me. Keep on Keepin On !
Thank you! I am glad you are giving it another go! I had smoked for over 30 years and one day I just thought I cant do this to myself anymore. I had tried to quit in the past using patches, gum, cold turkey and chantix. The chantix helped the most but I still went to back to cigarettes.So I checked into the e-cigs. I started with the cheap disposable ones just to see if it would be "do able" and watched about 100 you tube videos about e-cigs to get myself educated on them. I found one that was just right for me and made the switch. At first I just told myself that I was switching brands, after all, if they had quit making my brand I would have found another to smoke. I also started out on 24mg of nicotine. That bottle lasted about 3weeks, the next bottle I bought was 18mg etc. Now I am nicotine free. This way worked for me, I needed the baby steps! I still vape with my e-cig, but not like I smoked.

This forum and everyone who has posted has been such a positive thing for me! I hope you stay in touch and let us know how you are doing!!!
Thanks for your reply, and 'how you did it'. I am going to beat this expensive, nasty, health ruining habit ! You hang in there and keep us posted ! Thanks p.s. Just heard C.V.S. pharmacy is going to quit selling cigaretts. Yea for them. Bet Walgreens and others follow soon.
I smoked for 35 years, and quit with using electronic cigarettes (personal vaporizers) 5 years ago and never looked back. And don't believe all the bad stuff you read about them. That info all comes from a Federal Department that has cancer causing toxic tobacco legal. It's all about money. The Government makes over 36 billion dollars a year off of people that pay for cigarettes. No wonder they're legal.

Truth. The biggest change in my life giving up cigarettes was that my whole routine was no longer around when where and if I could have a smoke. I used to time it so that I was having my last puff just before someone would pick me up or come over. Then it was how long til I can have another smoke. After work I chain smoked all the way home.

Well not any of that for 5 years almost. I don't give a thought to a cigarette break or how I can get out to have one, or when I should have my last one before I go somewhere. Those e-cigs saved me, I can have one in my purse and take a puff whenever I need to no matter what. It's steam, flavor, and any % of nicotine from zero on up. No antifreeze. No formaldehyde. No 400 cancer causing toxins. Without them I would have never quit.

I started with them. Now my sister and hubby, my daughter and hubby, my dad-my whole family has quit smoking for vaping (inhaling steam).
I smoked for 35 years, and quit with using electronic cigarettes (personal vaporizers) 5 years ago and never looked back. And don't believe all the bad stuff you read about them. That info all comes from a Federal Department that has cancer causing toxic tobacco legal. It's all about money. The Government makes over 36 billion dollars a year off of people that pay for cigarettes. No wonder they're legal.

Truth. The biggest change in my life giving up cigarettes was that my whole routine was no longer around when where and if I could have a smoke. I used to time it so that I was having my last puff just before someone would pick me up or come over. Then it was how long til I can have another smoke. After work I chain smoked all the way home.

Well not any of that for 5 years almost. I don't give a thought to a cigarette break or how I can get out to have one, or when I should have my last one before I go somewhere. Those e-cigs saved me, I can have one in my purse and take a puff whenever I need to no matter what. It's steam, flavor, and any % of nicotine from zero on up. No antifreeze. No formaldehyde. No 400 cancer causing toxins. Without them I would have never quit.

I started with them. Now my sister and hubby, my daughter and hubby, my dad-my whole family has quit smoking for vaping (inhaling steam).
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I know what you mean about planning your life around when you could smoke. You don't realize how much it controlled you until you've quit.

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