I quit smoking

That is fantastic!

I felt the best when I was juicing. I did the 30 day no solids- no chewing one. I cheated and just chewed my apples extremely well.
I need to get back into it. ...and my clothes.
I have planted enough kale for everybody. (The voles should get real healthy.)
You have juiced before? Awesome! Someone I can ask questions to!
I have thought about doing the 15 day fast, but just dont know if I could handle that!! My hubby and I have been juicing for breakfast and lunch and then eating a "sensible" dinner. Let me tell you that is taking some will power on my part!!! I am a snacker! I love snacks! So when I do cheat (and I do) I eat some fruit or veggie (at least first).

Whats really funny to me about the juicing is that at first when I would take out the pulp to the goat and chickens they were excitied, like "yay mom, this is so good!" But after 2 weeks, they look at the bowl and then look at me like "really?"
3goodeggs YUM ! I'll be right over ! All that sounds de lish to me. LOOOOVE carrot cake. Almost as much as chocolate.

?really? What IS wrong with your familly? They just don't know what is good ! Thanks for the juice link !
Well if nothing else, my compost will be rich this year!!
Hadnt even occured to me to use some pulp on meat loaf?! Gonna have to try that!!
Juicers ~ I have a juicer, Jack Lalane (sp?). It leaves a lot of pulp behind and is a p.i.b. to clean up. A friend has a Nutra Bullet that leaves no pulp and is easy to clean. I have ordered one. They are pricey but you can find them cheaper on Ebay. The up graded 'super' turbo model is well worth the extra $ from what I understand. Part of Nutra Bullet's sales pitch is if you throw the pulp away you are throwing away most of the "good stuff". Makes sence. Cheee,we are all going to be so healthy they will have to shoot us when we die.
Juicers ~ I have a juicer, Jack Lalane (sp?). It leaves a lot of pulp behind and is a p.i.b. to clean up. A friend has a Nutra Bullet that leaves no pulp and is easy to clean. I have ordered one. They are pricey but you can find them cheaper on Ebay. The up graded 'super' turbo model is well worth the extra $ from what I understand. Part of Nutra Bullet's sales pitch is if you throw the pulp away you are throwing away most of the "good stuff". Makes sence. Cheee,we are all going to be so healthy they will have to shoot us when we die.
I am glad to hear that about the bullet. I really would be easier to juice if I did not have to get out the scrub brushed and mops every time. it adds another hour in the kitchen for three juicings, and if all you do is juice, you need more than three.

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