I think its bumblefoot. Please advise!!


5 Years
Jul 30, 2014
I have a hen that I believe has bumblefoot. I noticed her feet were slightly swollen and a bit pink a few months back but didn't worry because she doesn't seem bothered. Today I noticed the scab on one foot seems discolored and started researching. It looks like bumblefoot. She is not limping or acting out of sorts, she even still runs for scraps with all the other girls but now I am worried that if I don't do something it might get worse. It has looked the same for the last 3 months so maybe I should leave it alone. Any advice would be great. I read up on how to treat it by soaking, cleaning and lancing but I didn't know if this is something I should do since it doesn't seem to bother the hen. I don't want to make things worse. Here are pictures of each foot, taken today.

I wouldn't worry about her if it's not bothering her.
I have a four year old hen with that exact same thing. I got her when she was one, and she had it when I got her. I'd never heard of bumblefoot so thought they were scabs. She's had it ever since. Never got bigger, never went away, never bothered her at all.
If that's bumblefoot, then I've got a poor Polish girl who's been living bothered by it for at least three years
Ok. Thanks! I didn't wanna go digging around and possibly cause some sort of terrible infection. I feel at ease after hearing this. She is my favorite hen and the best layer.
I'll snap some pics of my girl soon as I get home, I'd say she's fine. No clue what it is, but i really don't think it's anything bad
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Thanks, that would be helpful. Is there any swelling or pink color to your hens foot? It also feel warm to the touch but again has been that way for at least a few months.

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