I think my mom and sister think im on the verg of going crazy!?!?!?!?

You are not the only one. My parents think I am insane and some of my classmates think I have totally fallen off the rocker! Sometimes though they do bring up the topic of birds or ask how mine are doing and I just start rambling and then notice I was just rambling away.

My parents think I am insane because in 10 months we have gone from three little chicks to 70+ chickens, 8 geese, 20+ quail, and 11 ducks!
My family doesn't think I'm insane, they know it. Look at it this way, it takes the pressure to act 'normal' off you that way.

Or you can say "I'm not crazy, I'm Creative!"

I just go with being Eccentric, Nuts, Crazy, Insane, or Creative, whichever hits the mood at the time.
Most of my family think I am crazy with the exception of an aunt and cousin who will drive all over Idaho for a chicken auction. I like being crazy. It keeps me from going insane!

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