I Was Intentionally & Vicously Attacked By A Bee, I mean YellowJacket

I"m sure you'll be fine come morning. You're doing everything right in my book. Ice, fluids, vitamin C....take two Tylenol and I'll send you my bill.
PC, I agree, paper wasps are pretty nice, but look alot like yellow jackets, but I think they have longer wings, or their legs or longer. I usually leave their nests.
A few years ago in NY, I came back from a trip, and found dead yellow jackets all over the house. Then I stepped on one. Then I realized we had an infestation in our kitchen wall, and had to call an exterminator. I hear they can build pretty big nests inside walls. I couldn't sleep at night. It was awful.
Hope you recover PC. I had the same thing happen to me a couple of years ago while unloading old hay bales from my friend's truck. I was stung 4 times and DW called me in the middle of it. She couldn't figure out what I was yelling about. Oh, and I was screaming like a little girl too.
They can build HUGE nests inside walls and in the ground. You're lucky you caught
them before they caught you.
* I have bees somewhere-- either in the mango out back or a wall, someplace. I used orange oil heavily one day to clean something and we went out and came back home to a small squadron in the house looking for the orange blossoms. Poor bees. . . .
I have to remember that gin and tonic cure. We have them all over the place here and I have to mow over at least a couple of nests a year.

I've gotten really good at recognizing them. The first round, you innocently mow over the nest and they really don't appeciate that, but it takes a few seconds for them to swarm up out of the ground and start to look for you. By that time you've moved oin around and fail to notice you've just ticked off about a gillion of 'em.

When you come back around again there's an ominous cloud of yellow jackets swarming around their hole. Fail to recognize the signs, and mow over it again and they are on you like chickens on last night's spaghetti leftovers.

More than one time I've abandoned ship and run screaming (like a girl) tearing my T-shirt off because those little buggers get in there and flying around the house to get away from them. Man, they are fast, and they don't give up. They are out for blood!

Best way to get rid of them? Get the NON-FOAMING kind of insect spray, wait until dark and then pour a boat-load of that stuff down the hole. They won't come after you in the dark, thankfully! Many people use gasoline, but that's sort of against the law and techinically a toxic spill...

And yes, they can build a papery looking nest up in a tree as well as down in the ground.

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